Amazing Paper Plane Record Set

smytu1996October 27, 20101min1611

once made a paper plane that consists of only one wing, but it spins around like a windmill. That was around 1985, the plane takes advantage of any light winds at the time and I flew off a 6th story of the new building at ABAC (today is Assumption University) before other students. It NEVER went down. It keeps going up and up and disappeared from view. I timed the event before it disappeared to well over 10 minutes. Outdoor record unofficially. This is not sensitive to humidity.

This paper plane was made by japanese!Please click this.

Paper Plane Record Set.

One comment

  • smytu1996

    October 27, 2010 at 11:29 am

    I m not too clever to see this video on MG sites!
    I try so many times but canot success to watch it without download .
    Sorry for my weak posting!

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