Latest Top Ten Websites to Download Free E-books

DaveDecember 16, 20094min1870

Countless freebies can be downloaded over the Internet anytime, depending upon a user’s experience and skillfulness in browsing the web. Most people are interested in free e-books for providing themselves with different types of knowledge. Despite those e-books are shared free of charge
among readers around the world, some of them are even qualified for academic reference. Free e-book reader application software downloads are also available in most of them. The following list of websites will be useful for the ones who are eager to look for free e-books.


In this website, one can find varieties of links to the information needed. Anyone can join this website and sign up for free. To get started a category can be selected or browsed by the title of the book.

(2) FreeBookSpot

FreeBookSpot is an online source of free e-books download .There are 4485 free e-books in 96 categories which storage is up to 71,97 GB. Search and download is available to get free books in various categories like scientific, engineering, programming, fiction and many other books. No registration is required to download free e-books.


There are nearly 30000 free books in the Project Gutenberg which is named after German printing pioneer, Gutenberg. Not only common readers but also researchers and scholars can depend upon the reference source available in this website.


The Internet Public Library provides over 20000 free books available online. Another link to this website is Even daily newspapers or weekly and monthly magazines around the world also can be read free.

(5) is a free e-books site where free books can be downloaded totally free. The e-books which one can find within this site are collected from all around the globe. There are a lot of fiction and non-fiction e-books for every reader’s choice.

This website provides readers with different useful links. Downloadable amount covers 20000 free e-books which include computer, self-improvement, literature, business, publishing, children and more. Every free e-book seeker should not miss directory contents available there.

(7) OnlineFreeEBooks

OnlineFreeEBooks provides links to various e-books (mostly in PDF) spanning in 9 big categories which are: Automotive E-books, Business E-books, Engineering E-books, Gadget E-books, Hardware E-books, Health & Medical E-books, Hobbies E-books, Programming & Technology E-books, Sport & Martial Art E-books.

(8) EBookLobby

Free e-books in eBookLobby are divided into different categories which range from business, art, computing , technology education and so on. Any appropriate category of e-books can be searched and downloaded according to need.

(9) OnlineComputerBooks

OnlineComputerBooks contains details about free computer books, free e-books, free online books and sample chapters related to Information Technology, Computer Science, Internet, Business, Marketing, Math, Physics and Science which are provided by publishers or authors.

(10) FreeTechBooks

FreeTechBooks lists free online computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes, all of which are legally and freely available over the Internet. Throughout FreeTechBooks, other terms are used to refer to a book, such as e-book, text, document, monogram or notes.