“What is the truth which can give rise to the real blessing and freedom ? “(Part-1)

True AnswerApril 3, 201112min3314

“What is the truth which can give rise to the real blessing and freedom ? “(Part-1)

Pic- 2011, March 11, homes swept by tsunami and earthquake at Japan
Within these few months ago, we hear a lot of breaking news such as earthquake in Haiti, Queensland flood, devastating earthquake and Tsunami in Japan, powerful explosion of nuclear power station at Japan on account of earthquake, war in Libya and Middle east, and earthquake in Myanmar.

Although everyone want peace, loving-kindness and harmony,
from time to time we all experience agitation, irritation, dishar­mony. worries, stress, sorrow, selfishness, hatred, discrimination, grief and misery or mental and physical sufferings. 

Since over 2500 years  ago, one enlightened person called Buddha taught the universal way, only middle way how to be liberated permanently from physical and mental sufferings for all without discrimination.

This way is the universal way which can be practiced by anyone who wants to be liberated from mental and physical suffering. This way is simple, practical, most powerful and effective for any one, any race, or any religion who are open minded.

This way is just trying to be and develop the right understanding,right taking, and right acceptance upon the created truths and original truths.

Here I will share this way as much as I can understand with the article series in the title of “What is the truth which can give rise to the real blessing and freedom ? according to the explanations of Tsunami Sayadaw U Ottamasara from Thanlyin Meditation Centre who has great practice, experience and teaching especially of only this middle way for over 8 years in Myanmar.

(Note: Italic words is the Pali Language)
“What is the truth which can give rise to the real blessing and freedom?” (Part-1)

There are two kinds of truth.
1) Created truths
2) Original truth

Characteristics and definition of Created truths
We can understand roughly that created truth means a kind of truth which is true only within the moment of creation & assigning of minds or convention as truth.
Created truth cannot be true and not existing forever. It is existing and true for a temporary period. So we cannot take them as reality or of real existence so, if we attach them as as reality or of real existence or real importance, it will give rise to sorrow, unsatisfactoriness, sorrow, lamentation, physical and mental sufferings and tribulations.

Pic: Creation of a building from LEGO toy-plastic models

Why we are attaching and remembering them with likes and dislikes?

Created truths seems to be real in our perceptions because of the creation of the ignorant mind or the creation of the nature of ignorance (misunderstanding) of the original truth.
As a result of ignorance of the original truth_original reality, it creates to misunderstand unreality as reality, so unreality seem to be real in our perceptions as created truths.
Created truth is unreal but seems to be real in our perceptions as an effect of the creation of the original truth, on account of unknowing the original truth directly as it is.
Created truths become unreal anymore in comparing the original truth.
Created truths seems to be real because of the comparing & judgment of each other which is constantly being created by the ignorant mind of the original truth.
Created truths are temporary, transient and impermanent so we can’t take as reality and as of real importance. Created truths are changing according to time, place and situation so they are not satisfactory.

What is the most importance to understand about the created truths?

Because of the created truths themselves are unreal,  understanding or mindfulness of the impermanence of created truths are also just the created truths and are also not the understanding of real impermanence and not original impermanence that Buddha taught in original truth(Paramatha).

For what is the created truths?

Although created truths are unreal, they are just for using only, experiencing only and knowing only for our development of right understanding and right acceptance.

What is the created truths?

Everything around us is created truth – people, things, events, time and place, etc.
These are all created truth – male, female, young, old, sick, healthy, birth, death, teacher, student, parent and child -etc.
Created truth is to be used only – not to be taken as reality. Everything and everyone is just temporary, not forever.
In relation to whatever happens in our mind and body or life are just to know, just to use and to experience only.


Pic: A man carried a dead body of 5 years-old child at Gaza war.

Do you know Mind and body or life that we are now knowing is Created truths?

What is the truth about life? Life is just the combination of mind and body. Mind and body are just the created truth.So, life is just the create truth. Life being just the created truth is just to be experienced only and used only and not to be taken at all as reality.
We should not take the mind and body we are knowing is similar to citta, cetasika, and Rupa the Buddha taught as the original truths.

Citta(mind), cetasika(volition), and Rupa(energies) the Buddha taught as the original truths are impermanent or vanishing in very high rate_trillions per eye’s blink.
The body that we know is existing for some years and the mind that we understand is existing even for a second, a minute or a certain period that we can perceive easily.
If you think the mind and body you know is similar to Citta, cetasika, and Rupa the Buddha taught as the original truths, it means you have already known and understood the original truths. That understanding is not right.
We often think mind and body we know is real. In fact, mind and body that we understand is not real – As much as our perceptions can detect about mind and body is just the created truths which is to be used only and must not take them as reality.
The nature of mind-body is to be experienced only and not to be taken them as reality.

Pic: A child injured by within Gaza War

We are using and living the life with misunderstanding. Taking the mind and body or life as reality and as of real importance, attachment with likes and dislikes concerning the mind and body are happening endlessly.
So, there is endless problems in life  because we are using life, or  mind_body in the wrong way.

To be continued …


  • mandalarthu

    April 3, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    So interesting article it is!
    Thanks for sharing yr good idea.I agree yr idea that we don’t know the created truths are impermanent and we are attaching them .
    We are finding them and trying to possess them as we think that they will not change and they will be with us until we die.With iignorance of the original truth,we are influenced by created truth and we use our body and mind in wrong way.It is true.
    But,how can we know the reality ,the original truth,citta, cetasika, and Rupa .?I think practising ”Insight meditation” taught by our Buddha is the middle and best way to know the original truth ,(Paramatha).You mean that?
    We should use our mind and body by practising meditation to free from mental and physical sufferings and to know the original truth.Please share more about original truth in yr next article.

  • barnay

    April 3, 2011 at 3:53 pm

    Yes, i like all, but we have to step to go to the reality of the truth, Buddha’s way is so deep and not easy to understand. Some monks in the Myanmar got the reality_truth is so awesome . i think, knowing our mind is the central core of deepness and watching everything_already happening is also to get the right decision for the truth. Thanks for your post. i like it.

  • soewinhtut1977

    April 4, 2011 at 1:25 am

    Thanks you for your comments of friends (Mandalarthu & barnay).
    Fri barnay, Knowing our mind is important but it is not the central core. I will share more about it in next article.

  • bigcat

    April 4, 2011 at 1:55 am

    အင်္ဂုလိလိုရေးတာကို မြန်မုလိလို မန်းမယ်။ ဖတ်တတ်ဘူးဗျို့……

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