What is the truth which can give rise to the real blessing and freedom?” (Part-3)

True AnswerApril 11, 201111min1550

What is the truth which can give rise to the real blessing and freedom? (Part-3)

Only the original truth _original reality is the real nature
CREATED TRUTHS are arising and then passing away within the certain period. Created truth is temporary, impermanent, changing and inconstant, depending on the mind, body, time and place. For the reason that created truths are impermanent, changing and inconstant, we cannot take them as reality or as of real importance.

ORIGINAL TRUTH is forever, permanent, unchanging and constant, without depending on the mind, body and time and place.

Original truth is beyond mind, body, time and place.

What we can know is only created truth and created wisdom, but not original truth. We can indirectly understand original truth through the Buddha and his followers who knows original truth directly.

There are two kinds of original truth;
1) Impermanent nature (dukkha sacca) and
2) Permanent nature. (nirodha sacca)

Only right understanding can cause the right practice.
We need to understand that only right understanding can cause the right practice. Right understanding is the most importance in daily life and meditation practice.

Right understanding means changing our attention or remembering from created truth to first kind of original truth_impermanent nature.

Here there is a very important fact to be explained about the first kind of original truth-impermanent nature.

That impermanent nature is not the impermanence of something that we are now understanding.

The impermanence of someone, something, body, skin, hair, bone, blood, pain, pleasure, seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling, sensation, or emotion etc; that our perception can now be detecting is unreal but just the created truths or relative truths.

Eg – The impermanent nature of the earth will be the permanent nature for
a life span of a human being.
-The impermanent nature of a human being will be the permanent nature for a life span of a mosquito.
-The impermanent nature of a mosquito’s life span will be the permanent nature for the life span of one thinking moment.
-The life span of your thinking moment will be permanent for a life span of a flash of lightning which lasts for a microsecond(10^-6 second).

That means the impermanence of mind and body that our perceptions can now detect is unreal but just the created truths. The impermanence of mind and body are not yet the original truth_impermanent nature which is constant and real.

The impermanent nature means the impermanence of citta, cetasika, and Rupa the Buddha taught as the original truth_reality. Only that kind of impermanent nature is the real impermanence which are arising and vanishing in very high rate _ trillion (10^12) times in a flash of lightning.

They arise and cease within an exceedingly short period of time. In the wink of an eye or a flash of lightning, which lasts for a microsecond (10^-6 second), the mental energies(Citta & Cetasika) arise and cease a trillion (10^12) times. (1,000,000,000,000 times). This is just an estimate.

The sub-commentary takes the higher figure of 10^15. Thus the mental energies arise and cease 10^15 x 10^6 = 10^21 times per second. Their extremely short duration is also mentioned in the Anguttara Nikaya.
As regards the material energies, since they endure for 17 thought-moments. they arise and cease 10^21/17 (app= 58,823,530, 000,000, 000,000) times per second. Dhatukatha, Pali Text Society.

The impermanence of mind and body that we are now mindful is not yet the real impermanence

So, the impermanence of mind and body that we are now mindful is not yet the real impermanence of citta, cetasika, and Rupa the Buddha taught.

The hotness, the coldness, pain, pleasure, feeling, sensation, rising, falling, breathing, pain, pleasure, thinking, thoughts that we are now mindful, is existing even for a second, a minute or a certain period that our perceptions can now be detecting or mindful.

We need to accept_believe that the impermanence of mind and body that our perception can now be mindful are not the real impermanence as the Buddha taught as original truth_original reality.

The impermanence of mind and body that our perception can now be detecting are not the original truth which needs to be remembered or be paid attention to.

Nowadays, most of the meditators are misunderstanding that the impermanence of mind & body that they can be mindful, is the real impermanence __ the impermanence of citta, cetasika, and Rupa the Buddha taught as the original truth or reality.

So, most of them can’t detach mind_body in spite of seeing or observing their impermanent nature.

The most importance of right practice or right understanding
is to believe or accept the impermanence of whatever of mind and matter
that our senses are experiencing, knowing, minding, feeling, noting & observing is unreal yet but just created truths
which is just to be using only, experiencing only,
knowing only, or feeling only.

Our minding is habitually on the created truths such as someone, something, time, place, mind or body -etc; taking them as reality. So, our mind can’t be stable the real freedom or calmness by minding the created truths which are changing, inconstant and impermanent.

Our minding should be changed from the created nature to the original nature_impermanent nature which is constant, permanent and real. This real impermanent nature (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta) does not mean the impermanence of someone or something that we are traditionally mindful.

The real impermanence by nature
The real impermanence by nature (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta) is constant and permanent and unchanging.

The impermanence of something is inconstant, changing and unreal. Something and someone are existing for the different periods and passing away within the different periods. Mind and body that we understand is also like that_ temporary, changing and inconstant.

Mind and body that we are now mindful, is still existing for a certain period such as one second, one minute and one year -etc; So, how can it be the real impermanence the Buddha taught as original truth (Parmatha)?

The Power of the Original truth_Real Impermanent Nature

Real impermanent nature (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta) which is constant has two kinds of power. As mentioned similes in Part-2.

1) On account of ignorance of the real impermanent nature (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta) which is constant, it make the power of creation arise and the power is also perpetual, original and constant. The creation of real impermanence (Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta) is always deceiving unreality(created truths) such as thinking, feeling, sensation, mind, hotness, coldness or body as reality.

So created truths seem to be real because of illusive creation of real impermanence.
Then, the arising and the impermanence of created truths seem to be real in our perceptions and our minds are always grasping that of the created truths such as the death or rebirth or loss or gain or destroying or events -etc; together with likes & dislikes, THINKING THEM AS REALITY .

To be continued…