dumb in elevator (All in a day’s work)

Silver TwigDecember 19, 20122min2581

As many fatal incidents have encountered during maintenance of elevator, I instruct the very new employee on his first day at work to safely use elevator.

I explain him not to use emergency escape if in case he is stuck in the elevator by any chance. I told him use the phone in elevator and just call me or control center, we will rescue him.

Moment later, I get a call from him. He is nervously telling me, Sir, I am stuck in elevator.

I told him not to worry and asked him which floor level the elevator stopped. No response from him, however.

What the heck, I jump out of my chair and rushed to elevator.

As I found the elevator power off, I could not immediately find which level it was stopped.

It took an hour, rescue team managed to open elevator trunk to find it was just stopped at the lobby floor, not moving since he was in.

 Instead of floor call, he had pressed emergency stop button and called me he was stuck in the elevator.



One comment

  • Silver Twig

    December 19, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    Let me share with some of safety devices mounted on elevator. If the emergency stop is activated, elevator power will be put off automatically and the elevator will stop where it is. If emergency escape hatch, on top of car, is being opened, the elevator can not be called from outside despite power is available. Accident occurs, if person is in the escape trunk, when the emergency escape hatch is kept closed, elevator will run over person in the trunk if some one calls elevator from outside. If in case you are in emergency escape trunk, keep open the escape hatch to stop elevator.

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