SCBA Golf and Tennis Tournament information

kaiOctober 31, 20101min1670
Hi All,
Southern California Burmese Association will be holding a 2010 Tennis & Golf Championship. We are looking for signups, for Golf Championship please contact Dr. Zaw Min Thu 714-469-7486, Ko Sonny (Htin Aung) 714-791-6950, Ko Kevin Thiha 714-262-0471 for more information and to sign up.
for Tennis Championship please contact Saw John 626-731-1933, Sein Tin 310-500-0676, Dr. Zaw Min Thu 714-469-7486, Eric Kao 626-428-5270, and Ronald Kao 626-428-5215 for more information and to signup.
Please register with any of them BEFORE DECEMBER 10, 2010.
Golf Championship
Registration Fee:
$65/person (includes cart and tournament fees
Date: November 21st, 2010
Location: Diamond Bar Golf Course
Time: 10:45am – completion

Tennis Championship
Registration Fee: $15/person
Date: December 12, 2010
Location: Whittier Narrows Tennis Center
Time: 9am-3pm
If you are not going to participate, try to COME AND SUPPORT OR CHEER FOR YOUR FRIENDS!!!
Southern California Burmese Association
Sports Organization Committee