Kwi Kwi, Kwa Kwa – News?

kaiNovember 16, 20101min4039

ဆောရီးနော..။ အီးမေးလ်နဲ့ ဘာပို့လာမှန်းမသိတာမို ့ .. ဘာမှန်းမသိပဲတင်ပေးလိုက်တာပါ။
ကြည့်ရတာ .. ဒေါ်အောင်ဆန်းစုကြည်လွတ်မြောက်သွားတာနဲ့တော့ ဆိုင်မယ်ထင်တာပါပဲ..။

အင်္ဂလိပ်လိုလေး ..နည်းနည်းပါးပါးပါတာ မှန်းရသလောက် အရေးကြီးတာများပါမလားလို့ ထင်မိလို့ပါ.။

တရုတ်စာတတ်သူတွေ ဘာသာနည်းနည်းပါးပါး ပြန်ပေးကြပါဦးနော..။
အဆင်ပြေမှပါ..။ 🙂


貌强 Maung Chan (缅甸华族)


*由于1947年 的彬龙协议被取消,缅甸内战自1948年独立后就开始打; 军政府1962年非法上台后,各族人民更离心离德,联邦更支离破碎。















对昂山素姬的讲话,参加11月7日竞选、并取得席位的非军政府党派——包括民盟分裂出去参选的“民族民主力量党”(National Democratic Force Party),无不热烈欢迎。






以下是掸众族民主党(Shan Nationals Democratic Party)副主席Sao Saung Cee的讲话:


请再听全孟族区民主党(All Mon Regions Democracy Party)主席奈桂登(Nai Ngwe Thein)的讲话:


以下是若开众族发展党(Rakhine Nationalities Development Party)主席埃貌(Aye Maung)的讲话:



1.新孟邦党(New Mon State Party)奈罕打(Nai Hang Thar)秘书长说:


2.坚持不妥协不停战,坚持武装斗争的南掸邦军(Shan State Army-South)发言人赛老盛(Sai Lao Hseng)说:


军力最强的佤邦联军(United Wa State Army的一些匿名军官与官员说:




克伦民族联盟(Karen National Union)秘书长茜波拉盛(Zipporah Sein)说:






民主克伦佛教军第五旅领导Saw Lah Pwe近日扬言:我们运用另类方式,与昂山素姬携手战斗。

停战集团之一克钦独立组织(Kachin Independence Organization)外事副长James Lum Dau 说:我们也一直抗拒改编为“边防队”,我们认为:“民族纠纷,只能通过政治方式解决”。





*任何党,只要有诚意为国家为民主,我都愿意合作——包括11月7日大选中获得压倒性胜利、由退伍将军吴登盛领导的“联邦巩固与发展党”(Union Solidarity and Development Party)。

(该党的前身就是7年前在缅甸北部企图凶杀她、由军方支持的“联邦巩固与发展组织”Union Solidarity and Development Organization,当时有百多名民盟党员或党友被杀,昂山素姬虽侥幸不死,也被借故长期软禁。该群众组织今年4月才改为政党)。


  • bigcat

    November 16, 2010 at 1:51 am

    အယ်ဒီတာမင်းကိုခိုင်ရေ ကြောင်ကြီးက ပြည်ပမှာ အနေကြာပြီမို့ ဗမာစကားသိပ်မကျွမ်းတော့လို့ မိခင်ဘာသာစကားလိုဖြစ်နေတဲ့ အင်္ဂုလိလိုပဲ ပြန်ပေးလိုက်ပါတယ်။ အိုင်ဟုပ်ယူအန်ဒါစတန်းမီ၊ တိတ်ကဲ။

    Aung San Suu Kyi Speech thousand one stone shock wave

    Maung strong Maung Chan (Myanmar and China Family)

    Group chaired by Myanmar and China “Myanmar situation” has been repeatedly pointed out:

    * Since 1947 Panglong agreement was canceled, Myanmar since independence in 1948 after the civil war started to play; the illegal military government came to power in 1962, more people of all discord, Federal more fragmented.

    * To resolve the issue of Myanmar, it is necessary military government, the democratic forces, all the power of the tripartite peace talks Tu – to avoid a military solution to ethnic conflict.

    In the November 13, the father of her daughter, advocates non-violence Mahatma Gandhi, Nobel Peace Prize winner – Aung San Suu Kyi was released unconditionally the military government of Myanmar and the international community hailed the country to congratulate without a break.

    After the release of Aung San Suu Kyi issued a statement as follows:

    * Thank the BBC – it’s broadcasting under house arrest in the long run I know the outside world.

    * Adhere to peace, democracy, human rights, rule of law, non-violent struggle.

    * Willing to listen to people’s opinions and after the election call, according to will of the people willing to serve the people.

    * Panglong advocated the convening of the second session.

    * Hope that one-third full of the military government, peace and democratic forces, the public Tu strength is greater reconciliation.

    * For this reason, and Senior General Than Shwe is willing to talk, to contribute to a nationwide settlement.

    Ground-breaking speech, the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, a splash a thousand waves.

    Panglong meeting is the first of her father, the father of Aung San, in the February 12, 1947 in Shan State and the public Tu Bin Longzhen held.

    At that time Panglong Agreement clearly states:

    * Establishment of the Union of Myanmar

    * Implementation of democratic federalism, equality among all ethnic and national self-determination has.

    Of Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech, to participate in Nov. 7 elections and achieved non-military government party seats – including the NLD candidates split the “national democratic forces of the party” (National Democratic Force Party), all warmly welcomed.

    They said:

    * If you do not stand for election, we will be marginalized in the audience watched the military junta on stage, the audience a self. So we forced to stand for election – and knowing that will be subject to unequal and unfair treatment.

    * Now Fortunately, the people of the support obtained by the number of seats, but we see the election fraud, coercion, inducement, intimidation, bribery, fraud, etc., though very unhappy, but no place to complaints, can not do anything.

    * Aung San Suu Kyi to listen to us we welcome the facts and truth of the complaints, unfair and unreasonable for us to deal with election fraud abuses.

    * Great views of the people, we do not want to admit that the election results. If all opposition parties boycott the new parliament, we will warm response.

    Here are all the families of the Shan Democratic Party (Shan Nationals Democratic Party) Deputy Sao Saung Cee’s speech:

    “We support the second Panglong advocate Aung San Suu Kyi meeting – only to build a harmonious federal, of all people can respect each other, love each other. If she can do it, everybody would be happy in Myanmar.”

    Please listen to the full-Mon District Democratic Party (All Mon Regions Democracy Party) Chairman Nai Gui Deng (Nai Ngwe Thein), who said:

    “She not only for their own party, she would also join hands with us to fight for democracy in Burma. I was so happy.”

    Here are all the National Development Party Arakan (Rakhine Nationalities Development Party) Chairman Maung Aye (Aye Maung), who said:

    “Our goal is to build the party in 1947, based Panglong Agreement. Panglong she initiated the second meeting in the hope of all peoples, democracy organizations, and the military government to participate, and to the birth of a truly democratic federal system.”

    Tu armed forces public – whether or not to compromise the Group keep cease-fire fighting organizations – have also declared that the father of Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter of Nobel Peace Prize winner, was awarded the United Nations, the international community and the support of national leadership, is a reconciliation in Myanmar the most appropriate candidates.

    1. New Mon State Party (New Mon State Party) Naihan play (Nai Hang Thar) Secretary-General said:

    “She was most suited to help the tripartite dialogue, a peaceful solution to Myanmar, she initiated the second Panglong Conference, we must attend!.”

    2. Insist on uncompromising non-stop war, insisted the armed struggle of the Southern Shan State Army (Shan State Army-South) spokesman for the race Lao Sheng (Sai Lao Hseng) said:

    “We believe her ability to make big Burman ethnic unity and cooperation with the public.”

    Wa strongest military forces (United Wa State Army officers and officials of some anonymous, said:

    * We support her in private efforts for democracy, we all want peace in Burma.

    * Government and the armed confrontation between the public Tu, is a political issue, political issues must be resolved by peaceful means, by force does not work, will be endless – hope.

    * We agree with the words of Aung San Suu Kyi. She stressed, “and minority disputes must be resolved peacefully, can not use force against.”

    KNU (Karen National Union) Secretary-General Qian Bola Sheng (Zipporah Sein) said:

    * Expect access to democracy and reform in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi’s objectives and we the same.

    * People do not want to sit and wait and see. When she came out a long time a long time. I believe the people of Myanmar will take with her, against the political forces which will be enhanced.

    Now turn to the public Tu truce Group:

    Well known: Since April 2009, Myanmar generals to force all authoritarian groups adapted for their own cease-fire under control “side of Guard,” The result was a strong resistance to the armistice Group.

    Burmese dictator General SAR to start their first bold, successful collaboration from within a strike – Peng sound escape, the men accept the reorganization. The other three before the election, the SAR refused to adapt. Now the election dust has settled, the generals in Myanmar dictatorship sharpening, both sides resort to force.

    Dictatorship of Myanmar generals to the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army recently the Fifth Brigade hands, the result of several Thai-Myanmar border town in heavy fighting overnight, 2-3 million refugees poured into Thailand – incurred by the Thai-Myanmar border tensions with the international public outcry.
    Democratic Karen Buddhist Army Fifth Brigade has recently claimed leadership Saw Lah Pwe: We use an alternative way of fighting together with Aung San Suu Kyi.

    Cease-fire groups in KIO (Kachin Independence Organization) long James Lum Dau, deputy foreign affairs, said: We have also been adapted to resist the “border teams”, we believe that: “ethnic conflicts can only be resolved through political means.”

    November 15, at around 100 NLD party led the National Assembly, Aung San Suu Kyi clearly answered the question around the leadership.

    * The election cheating, the legitimacy of the NLD NLD, and the public Tu open multi-party meeting to discuss national reconciliation, human rights, the ILO, child soldiers, forced labor and other issues, Aung San Suu Kyi must be according to the system insist that all issues the factual report, then follow the law, justice, truth to resolve.

    * To apply for “National Democratic Union” legalized.

    * The issue of cooperation with his party, she was cut cut iron Kim said:

    * Any party, as long as good faith for the country as a democracy, I am willing to cooperate – including the Nov. 7 election, won a landslide victory, led by the retired generals Wu Dengsheng “Union Solidarity and Development Party” (Union Solidarity and Development Party) .

    (The predecessor of the party 7 years ago in northern Myanmar is attempting to murder her, and by the military support of the “Union Solidarity and Development Organization” Union Solidarity and Development Organization, there were more than a hundred NLD party members or friends killed, Aung San Suu Kyi, although fortunately not die, also excuse the long-term house arrest. The mass organizations of political parties was changed in April this year.)

  • koyinmaung

    November 16, 2010 at 2:04 am

    အင်္ဂလိပ်လိုရပြီဆိုတော့ မြန်မာလိုပြန်ကြပါတို့ကတရုတ်လိုကေားအင်္ဂလိပ်လိုရေားမသိလို့ပါ

  • bigcat

    November 16, 2010 at 2:10 am

    ကုလားလို ဖတ်ချင်ရင်တော့ ပြောလေ၊ ကြောင်ကြီးက ဘာသာပြန်ရုံတင်မက သီချင်းနဲ့ပါကနေတာလေးကို ဗွီဒီယိုဖိုင်တွဲပေးလိုက်မယ်။

  • myan

    November 16, 2010 at 4:49 am ကနေ ဘာသာပြန်ထားတာပါ အားလုံးအတွက်အဆင်ပြေဖို့ပေါ့ တိကျမှန်ကန်မှုအတွက်တော့ ဂူဂဲလ်ရဲ့တာဝန်ပဲပေါ့
    Speak with one stone Aung San Suu Kyi Maung strong shock waves thousands of Maung Chan (Myanmar and China group) Myanmar ethnic Chinese host of the “situation in Myanmar” has been repeatedly pointed out that: * Since 1947 Panglong agreement was canceled, Myanmar, after the civil war since independence in 1948 started to play; the illegal military government came to power in 1962, more people of all discord, Federal more fragmented. * To resolve the issue of Myanmar, it is necessary military government, the democratic forces, all the power of the tripartite peace talks Tu – to avoid a military solution to ethnic conflict. In the November 13, the father of her daughter, advocates non-violence Mahatma Gandhi, Nobel Peace Prize winner – Aung San Suu Kyi was released unconditionally the military government of Myanmar and the international community hailed the country to congratulate without a break. After the release of Aung San Suu Kyi issued a statement as follows: * thank BBC – its broadcast let me know the long-term house arrest in the outside world. * Adhere to peace, democracy, human rights, rule of law, non-violent struggle. * Willing to listen to people’s opinions and after the election call, according to will of the people willing to serve the people. * Panglong advocated the convening of the second session. * Hope that one-third full of the military government, peace and democratic forces, the public Tu strength is greater reconciliation. * For this reason, and Senior General Than Shwe is willing to talk, to contribute to a nationwide settlement. Ground-breaking speech, the release of Aung San Suu Kyi, a splash a thousand waves. Panglong meeting is the first of her father, the father of Aung San, in the February 12, 1947 in Shan State and the public Tu Bin Longzhen held. At that time Panglong Agreement clearly states: * to establish the Union of Myanmar, * the implementation of democracy and federalism, equality among all ethnic and national self-determination has. Of Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech, to participate in Nov. 7 elections and achieved non-military government party seats – including the NLD candidates split the “national democratic forces of the party” (National Democratic Force Party), all warmly welcomed. They say: * If you do not stand for election, we will be marginalized in the audience watched the military junta on stage, the audience a self. So we forced to stand for election – and knowing that will be subject to unequal and unfair treatment. * Now Fortunately, the people of the support obtained by the number of seats, but we see the election fraud, coercion, inducement, intimidation, bribery, fraud, etc., though very unhappy, but no place to complaints, can not do anything. * Aung San Suu Kyi to listen to us we welcome the facts and truth of the complaints, unfair and unreasonable for us to deal with election fraud abuses. * Great views of the people, we do not want to admit that the election results. If all opposition parties boycott the new parliament, we will warm response. Here are all the families of the Shan Democratic Party (Shan Nationals Democratic Party) Deputy Sao Saung Cee’s speech: “We support the advocate Aung San Suu Kyi’s second Panglong Conference – only to build a harmonious federal, of all people can respect each other, and after meeting love. If she can do it, everybody would be happy in Myanmar. ” Please listen to the full-Mon District Democratic Party (All Mon Regions Democracy Party) Chairman Nai Gui Deng (Nai Ngwe Thein), who said: “She not only for their own party, she would also join hands with us to fight for democracy in Burma. I hear very happy. ” Here are all the National Development Party Arakan (Rakhine Nationalities Development Party) Chairman Maung Aye (Aye Maung), who said: “Our party’s goal is based on 1947 Panglong Agreement. Panglong she initiated the second meeting in the hope that all nationalism, democracy organizations, and the military government to participate, and to the birth of a truly democratic federal system. ” Tu armed forces public – whether or not to compromise the Group keep cease-fire fighting organizations – have also declared that the father of Aung San Suu Kyi is the daughter of Nobel Peace Prize winner, was awarded the United Nations, the international community and the support of national leadership, is a reconciliation in Myanmar the most appropriate candidates. 1. New Mon State Party (New Mon State Party) Naihan play (Nai Hang Thar) Secretary-General said: “She is the most suitable to help the tripartite dialogue, a peaceful solution to Myanmar, she initiated the second Panglong Conference We must attend!. ” 2. Insist on uncompromising non-stop war, insisted the armed struggle of the Southern Shan State Army (Shan State Army-South) spokesman for the race Lao Sheng (Sai Lao Hseng) said: “We believe her ability to make big Burman ethnic solidarity with the public cooperation. ” Wa strongest military forces (United Wa State Army officers and officials of some anonymous, said: * We support her in private efforts for democracy, we all want peace in Burma. * Government and the armed confrontation between the public Tu is political issues, political issues must be resolved by peaceful means, by force does not work, will be endless – hope. * We agree with the words of Aung San Suu Kyi. She stressed, “and minority disputes must be resolved peacefully, can not be used the use of force. “KNU (Karen National Union) Secretary-General Qian Bola Sheng (Zipporah Sein) said: * expect access to democracy and reform in Myanmar, Aung San Suu Kyi’s objectives and we the same. * People do not want to sit and wait and see. and so she had been in a long long time. I believe the people of Myanmar will take with her, against the political forces which will be enhanced. now turn to the public Tu cease-fire groups: well-known: Since April 2009, Myanmar generals to force all of the armistice dictatorship Group for their adaptation of control under the “Edge Guard”, the results of the Group’s strong resistance caused by the armistice. Burmese dictator General SAR to start their first bold, successful collaboration from within a strike – Peng sound escape, the men accept the reorganization. the other three refused to SAR adaptation before the election. Now the election dust has settled, Burma dictatorial generals sharpening, both sides resort to force. dictatorial generals of Myanmar to the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army recently the Fifth Brigade hands, the result of several Thai-Myanmar border town of battle, 2 -3 million refugees poured into Thailand, the same night – incurred by the Thai-Myanmar border tensions with the international public outcry. Democratic Karen Buddhist Army Fifth Brigade leadership Saw …

  • weiwei

    November 16, 2010 at 4:53 am

    ကိုကြောင်ကြီး ဘာသာပြန်လိုက်တာ ကွက်တိပဲနော် … တော်လိုက်တာ …

    • bigcat

      November 16, 2010 at 5:46 am

      အလကား၊ မြန်ဆိုတဲ့လူ ကိုကြောင်ကြီးကို မနာလိုလို့ လိုက်နှောက်ယှက်နေတာ။

  • weiwei

    November 16, 2010 at 5:51 am

    ကိုကြောင်ကြီး အရင်ပြန်ထားတာက ပိုပြီးဖတ်ရတာရှင်းတယ် … ကျွန်မဘာသာပြန်ကြည့်တာလဲ ကိုကြောင်ကြီးပြန်တာနဲ့ တစ်ထပ်ထဲတူနေလို့ မပြတော့ဘူးနော် …

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