Ash from Iceland’s volcano shuts European airports (again)

KyaemonMay 10, 201038min1780

Ash from Iceland’s volcano shuts European airports – Yahoo! News

By FRANK JORDANS and SLOBODAN LEKIC, Associated Press Writers – Sun May 9, 9:10 pm ET

GENEVA – Airlines canceled hundreds of flights across Europe and added hours to trans-Atlantic journeys Sunday as planes were diverted around a large plume of ash spewed by an Icelandic volcano and stretching from Greenland to Portugal.

So far, the weekend cancellations have been a fraction of the flights nixed two weeks ago when jittery European air traffic authorities closed down much of the continent’s airspace for fear the volcano’s abrasive ash could harm jet engines. But the possibility loomed of continuing eruption, and rising costs to airlines from ongoing disruption.

The bulk of the cloud, measuring 2,100 miles long and 1,400 miles wide (3,400 kilometers by 2,200 kilometers), stretched over the North Atlantic, according to the Irish Aviation Authority. It ordered Ireland’s five westernmost airports to close Sunday afternoon but allowed the country’s three biggest airports in Dublin, Shannon and Cork to stay open.

Airlines diverted their trans-Atlantic traffic north and south of the cloud, causing congestion as planes tried to squeeze through remaining routes. Some connections were canceled entirely because of an offshoot of the main cloud that was snaking its way from Portugal through Spain, southern France and northern Italy, then up to Germany, the Czech Republic and Austria.

Eurocontrol, the Brussels-based agency that coordinates air traffic control centers throughout the continent, warned airlines to plan on taking on more fuel for the longer flight around the North Atlantic no-fly zone….

Iceland’s disruptive volcano – The Big Picture –

Iceland’s disruptive volcano

Today, British civil aviation authorities ordered the country’s airspace closed as of noon, due to a cloud of ash drifting from the erupting Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. The volcano has erupted for the second time in less than a month, melting ice, shooting smoke and steam into the air and forcing hundreds of people to flee rising floodwaters.

The volcanic ash has forced the cancellation of many flights and disrupted air traffic across northern Europe, stranding thousands of passengers. Collected here are photos of the most recent eruption, and of last month’s eruptions, which were from the same volcano, just several miles further east. (18 photos total)

Iceland volcano erupts – Yahoo! News Photos;_ylt=ArzIdOrgF1FMIOjtaDo1Iaxv24cA;_ylu=X3oDMTFlcWFuNHZ0BHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5bl9yXzNzbG90X3NsaWRlc2hvdwRzbGsDc2xpLWV2LWxpbms-

YouTube – Raw Video: Iceland Volcano Spews More Ash


YouTube – Stunning Iceland Volcano Eruption

642880 HITS

YouTube – NASA Satellite Image Of Iceland Volcano Ash Over Europe

YouTube – Spectacular footage from above the volcanic crater

YouTube – Iceland: ash cloud after volcanic eruption

YouTube – Ash cloud in Iceland

nocommenttvApril 19, 2010 — The Eruption in glacier Eyjafjallajokull remained stable overnight. The volcanic plume has reached a height of 6-9 km drifting to the south….

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YouTube – Volcanic eruption in Iceland

YouTube – Stranded Passengers Running Out of Patience

YouTube – Stranded passengers camp out at airports

YouTube – Mess in Paris Airport

April 19, 2010 — Tourists waiting for a plane in Paris Airport…

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