Buddhist monk charged with battery – Chicago Breaking News

KyaemonMay 28, 20108min2341

Buddhist monk charged with battery – Chicago Breaking News


A Buddhist monk from Thailand has been charged with battery after he “inappropriately” touched an adult parishioner in a meditation center in Willowbrook, officials say.

Chaliaw Chetawan, 27, has been charged with battery, a misdemeanor, according to the DuPage County sheriff’s office.

The incident happened Sunday at the Wat Buddhadhamma Meditation Center in the 8900 block of Kingery Highway in Willowbrook, officials said.

A man alleged that he was inappropriately touched by Chetawan while at the temple Sunday morning. Officials said the touching was sexual in nature.

Chetawan turned himself into the sheriff’s office today. He has posted bond and has been released.


All religions have a few bad apples. Buddhism is not exempt. In Buddha’s time, we have a few bad monks also.

In my opinion and comparatively speaking, because of Buddha’s monks’ rules and other factors, Buddhist monks have maintained better discipline through the centuries for about 2500 years.

Buddha’s rules are not for covering up, though some do resort to cover up’s.

With cover up’s, RC Church initially was playing the victim of a smear campaign. Now, this approach is backfiring. it’s exploding and imploding and even the Pope is under scrutiny. The RC Church’s policy now, is to report to the local police right away! Also, to take action by Canon (priest’s) laws immediately!

The Chicago Thai monk in the above news story may yet turn out to be innocent of the charge. However, his reputation is already damaged by an appearance of improper conduct. It will also hurt the prestigious standing of other Thai monks and his Temple. I think they would take appropriate action to safeguard these things from happening again in the future.

There also was an incident where a Los Angeles area monk threw a table object at his old and frail kappiya (monk’s helper). The kappiya was complaining to everybody about it.

Imagine the headlines, legal costs, bad reflection on our other noble monks, and low esteem on our Burma expatriate community by others.

True Buddhist monks send out loving kindness every second, not rage and temper like a CRUEL despot as in Than Shwe.

Would you cover up for a bad monk, like the RC Church? Is it good for Sasana? Would you turn a blind eye?

Helping our other noble monks and other deserving Temples survive this Financial Crisis will definitely earn huge merits. Helping selfish and despotic monks, earns LITTLE or no merit (Google Vinaya).

One comment

  • Kyaemon

    May 29, 2010 at 1:43 am

    Correction: Buddhist monks have maintained better discipline through the centuries, for about 2,500 years to current.

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