Please be quiet.. A foreigner standing next to me requested to all audience at the sunset terrace outside ball room of Inya Lake Hotel once Daw Aung San Su Kyi started her conversation with U Thaw Kaung inside ball room. Yesterday I was browsing some books at Irrawaddy Literary Festival in Inya Lake Hotel. This, […]
As many fatal incidents have encountered during maintenance of elevator, I instruct the very new employee on his first day at work to safely use elevator. I explain him not to use emergency escape if in case he is stuck in the elevator by any chance. I told him use the phone in elevator and […]
“Hii..ukankome”, she texts me, phones me, skypes me, tweets me, googles . I am melted in her hello. I knew one day that love would sprout. Speaking of which, we have been named fondly since we were in mom’s womb. Some are named pretty, some are given funny and some are bizarre. Some adopt celebrity’s […]