KyaemonSeptember 23, 20105min2550
An old saying goes, “Find money like the Chinese,……” meaning work hard like them. Well, here’s another inspirational story of a young man who also made it. His company is Baidu, a rival of Google. We can learn something from his vision. The Wall Street Journal, a prestigious financial paper, interviewed him and wrote the following article: […]

KyaemonSeptember 23, 201034min5120
Anyway, here is a real inspirational story for our young men to make their dreams come true. Be sure to click the links for the various interviews and learn from a pro who did it. zappos ceo tony hsieh happy making $36,000 a year working for amazon: Tech Ticker, Yahoo! Finance$36,000-a-year-working-for-amazon-535410.html?tickers=AMZN One of the […]