KyaemonSeptember 19, 201131min3110
CONTINUATION FROM ZOE’S EXCELLENT WORK ON THIS MASTERPIECE.    Along the River During the Qingming Festival – Art – New York Times “ The ‘Qingming Festival’ is probably the single most widely known work in China,” said Marc F. Wilson, a Chinese specialist and the director of the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas […]

KyaemonSeptember 19, 201112min2312
ANOTHER CONTINUATION INSPIRED BY ZOE’S EXCELLENT PRESENTATION. ZOE ALREADY HAD NARRATIONS IN BURMESE LANGUAGE. Thea Awards – Thea Award Recipients – Along the River During Qingming Festival From the Thea Committee:  The “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” exhibit is a giant scale representation of the Song Dynasty Chinese art treasure Along the River […]