IPhone: B2B and C Mobile Marketing sketch

zipper johnMay 28, 20135min2370

It’s interesting to aware from mobile apps advantages for Business to Consumer (B2C) users. Business to Business (B2B) mobile users are also expect the same interactivity, functionality, and ease of access for business that they experience with their personal content.

While it’s true that the recent iPhone App Developmentcraze has taken the consumer world by storm. But the enchantment for B2B mobile users are the same as it is for B2C users. Latest mCommerce iPhone Apps has ability to instantly find, access, and share highly relevant information in context. There is no doubt, both B2B and B2C companies are adapting mCommerce technology frequently. The iPhone has own cognizance and harness extreme in potential mobile marketing. So this is an important steps to understand the common differences between B2B and B2C mobile marketing.

Web Based B2C Business

The majority of business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers keep faith on mobile advertising rather than mobile using tactics. One of the main differences between B2C mobile marketing objectives is efficiency. The most popular mobile advertising methods are social media advertising and mobile display ads. While the most commonly-used marketing tactic is mobile messaging to support customer dialogue.

Business Professional

Business professionals typically have a tight schedule and want to be able to conduct transactions as hastily as possible in moment, and maintain efficiency instantaneously. B2B marketers have a great opportunity here to go mobile and keep up with a constantly on-the-go business professional who often use their mCommerce iPhone or Android Apps for business purposes while traveling and between meetings. B2C, on the other hand, has their major focus on entertainment — apps and games are not necessarily focused on proficiency, but rather visually appealing and entertaining content.

Customers Relationship-Building

Currently more than 75% mCommerce mobile users employ third-party mobile networking apps, such as iPhone application, Android apps, Windows mobile apps and iPad apps to interact with their customers. B2B mobile marketing initiatives target bigger audiences normally consisting of groups. This plays into relationship-building, into which B2B funnels a much more concentrated amount of effort.

A mobile app for a B2B business could be a good option to consider. It could be an effective marketing initiative providing that it is solution oriented and enhances productivity and accountability.


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