KyaemonAugust 14, 201019min1620

YouTube – China’s Human Dominoes – A new Guinness World Record

YouTube – Human domino record set in China

More than 10,000 Chinese students smash human domino World Record | Mail Online

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It might look like all these people have fallen asleep out of boredom, but these Chinese students are taking part in a human domino challenge.

More than 10,000 students took part in the unusual activity, which smashed the Guinness World Record of 9,234 students set in Singapore in 2000.

Themed on ‘hug the nature, kiss the grasslands’, the aim of the event was to encourage Chinese citizens to take part in more exercise.

Chinese basketball star Mengke Bateer threw a basketball to the first student in the line who became the first human domino in the challenge.

Record breakers: The previous World Record was set by 9,234 students in Singapore in 2000

All fall down: The successful record attempt took one hour and 10 minutes

BEIJING, Aug. 13 (Xinhuanet) — The world’s largest human domino, comprising of 10,267 people, was formed on the grasslands in Ordos, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, on Thursday, toppling a Guinness World Record created a decade ago.

The people were divided into more than 50 groups to form the word Ordos both in Chinese and English.

In a human domino, the person standing first falls backward, causing the row of people behind him to fall one after another. It took an hour for the domino to complete.

“This magnificent feat was very hard to achieve, but we were all confident we would rewrite history,” said Liu Manshan, who was in charge of the event and head of the culture bureau of Ordos’ Dongsheng district.

The last Guinness World Record of the largest human domino was created by 9,234 students in Singapore in 2000.

YouTube – Mattress Dominoes World Record Attempt – HD


YouTube – World Record Human Dominoe’s

YouTube – Human Domino

Domino effect with 180 people and 180 mattresses in spanish tv show.

YouTube – Human Mattress! – Guinness World Record