PareByokeNovember 26, 201026min2170


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Macy’s thanksgiving parade.



Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest. While it may have been religious in origin, Thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday.[1] It is sometimes casually referred to as Turkey Day.

In Canada, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October, which is Columbus Day in the United States. In the United States, it falls on the fourth Thursday of November.

The precise historical origin of the holiday is disputed. Although Americans commonly believe that the first Thanksgiving happened in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts, there is some evidence for an earlier harvest celebration by Spanish explorers in Florida during 1565. There was also a celebration two years before Plymouth (in 1619) in Virginia. There was a Thanksgiving of sorts in Newfoundland, modern-day Canada in 1578 but it was to celebrate a homecoming instead of the harvest.

Thanksgiving Day is also celebrated in Leiden, in the Netherlands. A different holiday which uses the same name is celebrated at a similar time of year in the island of Grenada.

YouTube – Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade 2010 – New York

Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade 2010 in New York City

YouTube – Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York

And speaking of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, NTD reporter Sarah Matheson was there to give us a closer look at the festivities.

Thousands of New Yorkers flocked to the streets of Manhattan yesterday to celebrate the Macys Thanksgiving Day parade.

The huge procession wound its way along Central Park to Herald Square, with as many as 3.5 million spectators lined up along the streets. Others avoided the crowds, watching the action from high up in their office buildings.

These kids loved it, and so did the adults.

[Kelley Calderin, Orlando, Florida]:
Its wonderful on TV, but its better in person so happy Thanksgiving.

[Shirley Wadlow, New Jersey]:
Oh, we love it. We love it. This is my third year in doing it and I would come back again. I work at Macys.

[Frances Law, Farracquay, New York]:
I love it. It was like the best thing ever.

From beaming downtown Manhattan wishing everyone a very happy holiday season this is Sarah Matheson, NTD, New York.

YouTube – Balloons Inflated for Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

New York City was abuzz on Wednesday with preparations for this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Workers stretched out nearly 60 giant balloons, filling them one by one with massive amounts of helium. (Nov. 24)

YouTube – macys thanksgiving 2010

YouTube – Pokemon material in Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade 2010

i cant belive that they put pokemon in a parade

YouTube – Jessica Simpson@Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade 2010

YouTube – Macy’s Thanksgiving 2010 Power Rangers Samurai

2009 (for comparison & enjoyment)

YouTube – Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade NYC 2009, Happy Thanksgiving 2010!

from what street are you standing?? and do you know the hotel name in front of you??? im trying to plan my 1st visit this year. that looks like a great spot!