Pope: Church’s own sins to blame in sex scandal

KyaemonMay 29, 20108min58615

Pope in Fatima recalls John Paul shooting – Yahoo! News


Pope: Church’s own sins to blame in sex scandal

FATIMA, Portugal – Pope Benedict XVI traveled to the famous shrine of Fatima on Wednesday, recalling the assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II and other “sufferings” of the church, which he has said included the clerical sex abuse scandal.

Benedict didn’t refer directly to the crisis a day after issuing his most explicit admission of the church’s own guilt. But he did remind priests and seminarians gathered at a vespers service that they must remain loyal to their vocation and help one another when “there is a certain weakening of priestly ideals.”

He thanked them for their dedication — “often silent and certainly not easy” — and urged them to seek out new recruits for the priesthood….

“In terms of what we today can discover in this message, attacks against the pope or the church don’t come just from outside the church,” he told reporters. “The suffering of the church also comes from within the church, because sin exists in the church. This, too, has always been known, but today we see it in a really TERRIFYING way.”


Many of the pilgrims attending Wednesday’s service walked for days to reach Fatima, with some making the final marble stretch of several hundred meters (yards) up to the chapel on their knees in prayer. Many said Benedict’s visit gave them hope, particularly as Portugal — western Europe’s poorest country — confronts Europe’s economic crisis.

“The pope can inspire people to respect things like charity and loving thy neighbor and not being selfish,” said Miguel Ferreira, a 39-year-old businessman who said he walked for days to Fatima.

But he added: “The pope can only do so much. He can’t hike pay.”

Dozens of shops around the shrine selling religious-themed trinkets also offer imitation body parts in wax, such as limbs, hearts and ears, which the faithful cast into flames by the Chapel of the Apparitions with a prayer asking for the healing of their ailments.


  • Kyaemon

    May 29, 2010 at 9:22 am

    Gary T
    This is so stupid, the Church has billions of dollars and sucks the few cents poor and uneducated people have. They constantly are wrong and do wrong but they just keep on going because they use GOD as a crutch. Don’t you get it, this is not Gods church, it is a scam to get money from the poor.

  • Kyaemon

    May 29, 2010 at 9:23 am

    No one is persecuting the Catholic Church. The leadership is failing to follow legitimate governmental laws. The leadership of the Catholic Church must acknoloege and obey civil law. Certainly every country has laws against aiding and concealing crimes of all kinds. In most democracies it doesn’t matter who you are, you are subject to the law, including mandated reporting of crimes, physical abuse and sexual abuse against children. Ths is not a matter of the confessional, it is a matter of proper leadership in protecting its members from abuse and scandal. The Catholic Church leadership is bringing harm to its members by not adoptimg reasonable rules for reporting these crimes. The leadership is risking turning its members into targets of discrimination, but so far most of the people in tho world have been extremely patient. When the members of the Church are ridiculed, discriminated against and are threatened, thats when the persecution will begin.

  • Kyaemon

    May 29, 2010 at 9:24 am

    Dianne S

    Well, DUH! Not to mention the fact that the Vatican won’t part with a thin dime to help poor people survive.

  • Kyaemon

    May 29, 2010 at 10:12 pm


    If the Catholic Church had its way, we would go back to the Middle Ages. The church could
    torture and murder anyone who didn’t agree with it. (See Inquisition.)

    That’s what you get when the power of the state and the power of the church are combined

  • Kyaemon

    June 1, 2010 at 1:27 am

    Doofenschmirtz, Evil, Inc
    “The church needs to profoundly relearn penitence, accept purification, learn forgiveness but also justice.”

    How about the MORAL and PERSONAL responsibility to not rape little boys in the rectory?

    Yet another song and dance from the vatican. Their calling card since inception. Justice? That’s a joke. When priests start doing time in prison, then the scales of justice have started to swing the other way.

  • Kyaemon

    June 1, 2010 at 1:27 am

    It is saddened to see so much confusion/turmoil climaxing into total distrust on the whole Catholic Church by majority of people all across the world. First of all, in order for the pope to regain people’s trust is to make amends to all the sex scandals that has occurred inside the CHURCH throught the years and carry out punishments for just crimes committed within the church on those who are responsible for the crime. Secondly, the CHURCH should concentrate only on teaching/& preaching on MORAL VALUES (which, are of course, Bible-based), and let the Economists/socialists/politicians, etc) to worry about socio-economic-political issues. Give GOD what belongs to GOD (i.e the 10 commandments: by teaching/preaching his moral laws to people); and to Ceaser what belongs to Ceaser (aka worldly things: politics/moneys, etc, and let other organizations outside GOD’s Church to provide and deal with these wordly/& materialistic things for them to people). In this way, people may eventually started to regain their trust in the CHURCH once again.

  • Kyaemon

    June 4, 2010 at 5:55 am

    from now on humans must realize that the roman catholic church has betrayed the people of God, and all these abuses happened right in front of God with no sign from the heavens, no warning from angels, no law being written informing the world of what was happening, and also no condemnation by the very leaders of the church.

    no, in fact, it was the cry of injustice that the victims released over time that was ignored by the same evil church! oh that church is anti jesus and it is clearly coming to a judgment day soon. and many will then know the truth that this pagan roman church has controlled humanity for ages, but what is strange is that God has done nothing about it, meanwhile every other christians believer imagines that they are the true christian authority and representatives of jesus, the heavens, the new testament, etc.

    i am glad that these things have come to light and that governments are investigating, prosecuting and punishing the evil priest!!!! these days are real blessings in planet earth.

    let us hope that the united states government does more to correct the “crimes” of the church priests and their bishops who are also criminal, and the pope is no saint.

    perhaps the only saint was the previous pope john paul II who was respected and admired and loved by many, but these are joyful times in planet earth!!! evil has always been a part of that church and if it were not for governments and their laws, this evil church would have continued corrupting the faith and concealing the truth of the unpardonable sins of the church leaders.

    they are going to hell i tell you. no one will stop that, although the pope will not tell the world about their destiny, the evil priests will and must go to hell, but the church, after having condemned so many sinners over the centuries, will not admit the fate of her evil creatures who violated and traumatized many innocent little angels, causing them serious psychological problems and traumas that many must live with for the rest of their lives.

    may God do the right justice against the roman catholic church

  • Kyaemon

    June 5, 2010 at 3:20 am

    “No Name Please” says organized religion is only enriching itself.

    No name Please

    Save your money and pray at home. DO your good works and live the life to help your friends and neighbors.

    Does your spirit receive anything from going to church? The purpose of organized religion is what, except to enrich the organization?

  • Kyaemon

    June 5, 2010 at 3:30 am

    I-sez says go to the root cause: the bad clergy. They are the ones bringing down the Church.

    Don’t get sidetracked like accusing others who expose them, as smearing the Church, etc.

    True, only bad monks can bring down the Sasana. Covering up for them generates bad karma.


    It is not the scandal that is a threat to the church. It is the behaviour of the clergy.

    Molesting children and covering up the crime. Having an institutionalized process to deny and perpetuate these crimes is what is wrong. Not admitting that this has been going on for centuries is what is threatening the church.

    Trying to distract the people by saying it is the scandal and not the cause of the scandal is the problem.

    The pope is less than honest and is fueling the scandal. CHILD MOLESTERS!

  • Kyaemon

    June 8, 2010 at 7:20 am

    David P
    Fact: 67% of all children who are sexualy abused, kill themselves before age 35.
    “Charity in Truth” The Vatican should sells off some of their incredible art collection and give the money to Help the sexually abused!

  • Kyaemon

    June 11, 2010 at 1:44 am


    Lol the only “sufferings of the church” in the sex abuse scandal were the ones as a result of getting caught.



    The Portuguese Catholics carried out the most unspeakable Crimes against Humanity, during the 400-years of the Goa Inquisition, that the Portuguese Catholics inflicted upon the gentle Hindus of Goa, India.

    The Pope needs to apologize to India for the terrible Crime that was the Goa Inquisition.

    Just like with the Pedophile-Padres issue, the Vatican has been trying to sweep its crime of the Goa Inquisition also under its collective Catholic Prayer-Rug, but the huge, unsightly bumps in the Catholic rug now stand exposed to all of the Civilized World.

  • Kyaemon

    June 14, 2010 at 4:15 pm

    Dan C

    I’m a little confused about the ‘sufferings’ of the church. It’s almost as if the pope and the church are the real victims in the priest sex scandals.

    The church is not ‘suffering’ in the name of Christ, they are receiving the consequences for covering up and allowing pedophile priests to continue working as priests.

    Pope Benedict was part of the problem and therefore he is part of the focus.

    Instead of whining about it, how about giving compensation to the victims.

    How about getting serious about eradicating pedophile and all other sexual abusers from the priestly ranks.

    That’s what true penance and true repentance means.

  • Kyaemon

    June 15, 2010 at 6:28 pm


    Most Catholics were indoctrinated into this belief by priests from childhood. The priests were looked upon as the higher standard, the teachers of faith. Teaching us it is sinful and unacceptable to LIE, be DECEITFUL, and NOT TO COVER UP A SIN.

    These so called holy men haven’t got a clue themselves what it means to be HONEST, TRUTHFUL, and to report a crime when it occurs.

    Priests share living quarters with other priests in their diocese. They know personal information about each priest that the parishioners wouldn’t know.

    All priests know who the lazy priests are, who the drunks are, who the hard working priests are and yes, who the rapists are.

    There must be thousands of Catholic priests who have valuable information about molesting priests that authorities could use to bring these criminals to justice.

    As of today I don’t know of ONE priest who has done so. Shame on them. It’s always the victims that have come forward.


  • Kyaemon

    June 16, 2010 at 6:12 pm

    NO ( Commentator named “NO”)

    The Pope remind priests and seminarians gathered at a Vespers service that they must remain loyal to their vocation and help one another when “there is a certain weakening of priestly ideals.”

    So when one of the brothers rapes a child, remember your loyalty to the Church, and help the Priest.

    No mention of picking up the phone and helping the victim.

    Simply disgusting.

  • Kyaemon

    June 26, 2010 at 10:30 pm



    I condemn the Muslims more than the Catholics because of their violence which is caused by their stupid religion. Does that make you feel better?

    No. 2 on the list is Catholicism because of it’s adherence to superstition and constant battle against logic.

    3rd I condemn the Protestants for hiding their social clubs behind the name of religion.

    I condemn the cult religions (mostly baptist types) for stupidity and self delusion.

    I condemn the Hindu religion for it’s class distinction and socially categorizing their members.

    I find it really hard to condemn the Buddhists, except for the invention of the prayer wheel.

    (Yes, a good opinion from a Westerner. But, don’t get too proud! In every religion, there are a few bad priests. In Buddhism, we have those few bad monks who blatantly break the Vinaya monks’ rules. Instead of a simple life, they want to live like kings. They become despots, always demanding more and more. Their greed for wealth and fame is insatiable!)

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