The Dalai Lama: Front Man for a Feudal Clique, Darling of Wealthy Mystics and Cold Warriors | Western Shugden Society (WSS)

KyaemonJune 5, 20104min1900

The Dalai Lama: Front Man for a Feudal Clique, Darling of Wealthy Mystics and Cold Warriors | Western Shugden Society (WSS)

Wealthy Mystics and Cold Warriors

Lama: Front Man for a Feudal Clique, Darling of Wealthy Mystics and Cold Warriors

Historian Webster G. Tarpley presents some uncontested facts about the Dalai Lama as a counter-point to media hype surrounding the Dalai Lama’s recent meeting with US President Barack Obama. He refers to the Dalai Lama’s feudal rule over Tibet; how just 200 families controlled 93% of the wealth of Tibet; how the “people’s uprising” in 1959 failed because the masses did not join the wealthy aristocrats’ plots to overthrow the Chinese; how the CIA underwrote the Dalai Lama’s activities in exile, including giving him a personal stipend of $185,000 per annum; and how the US tax payer continues to contribute $2 million per year to the Dalai Lama and his associates.

He questions why the US is supporting the Dalai Lama’s feudalism, a throw-back to the dark ages of medieval Europe. He finds nothing spiritual about the torture and oppression the Dalai Lama inflicted on Tibet – rather than Shangri-La, he thinks of Tibet under the Dalai Lama as ‘a hell on earth’.