ToneToneJune 21, 201018min2920
Friends continue with their discussions. Friend: I remember these friends in the picture. Friend: What do you want to say to your friends? Friend: “Please be careful. You may be unwittingly helping the Military Junta.” Friend: Are you serious? How? Friend: Yes, in an indirect way. Remember, in his birthday flyer, U Ayethaka bragged about […]

KyaemonJune 20, 20105min2200
Source: Popular posting from Click2Myamar Azusa Temple’s Inside Info Azusa Temple’s Inside Info » Myanmar Online Community Since 2000 Above picture shows people counting money from Azusa Temple Food Fair in prior year 2009. Azusa Temple allegedly has a projected cash balance of  $ 50,000 to $ 100,000 in hand. The monk does not […]

MyitthaJune 20, 201010min58013
This topic on the four statues for repentance, depicting events in Buddha’s life, appeared on the Click2Myanmar and Mandalaygazette previous websites. They also had a large number of hits. The postings are presented below: (U Ayethaka later withdrew his flyer and changed the title to “E”). Essentially, people are asking why the monk was sending […]

KyaemonJune 20, 201014min110922
The above pictures are from PBA’s website and youtube video – links below: PBA Activities: More Patthan Photographs ——————————————————————– YouTube – 09 အဇူဇာပဌာန်းပွဲဖွင့်ပွဲ၁ ===================================================== ===================================================== Below are postings relating to “PBA Board Secretary.” They appeared on Click2Myanmar and Mandalay Gazette’s old and unused websites. Up to now, there is no known response or […]

KyaemonJune 20, 20104min3263
Pope Begs for Forgiveness for Abuse by Priests – ABC News Pope Benedict XVI today asked for forgiveness from God and from the victims of sexual abuse by priests, “particularly the abuse of the little ones.” Speaking in Italian to a sea of 15,000 white-clad priests attending Mass in St. Peter’s square to celebrate […]

KyaemonJune 20, 20108min2932
Pope begs forgiveness, promises action on abuse – Yahoo! News Pope begs forgiveness, promises action on abuse VATICAN CITY – Addressing the clerical abuse scandal from the heart of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI begged forgiveness Friday from victims and promised to “do everything possible” to protect children at a Mass celebrated […]

ToneToneJune 19, 20107min2130
Friends’ discussion continues: Examine Claim Friend: U Ayethaka claims that Azusa Temple land is the most noble or hallowed land in North America.  How come he can claim a “holier than thou” status over other Temples? Is it valid? Does it sound logical or weird? Friend: Yes, let’s examine his “nobility” claim. Buddha taught us to analyze […]

ToneToneJune 19, 20106min2050
Tone Tone’s friends’ discussion: “Most” Hallowed Friend: I like to discuss U Ayethaka’s bold claim. The monk claims not only Azusa Temple is hallowed, but also is the  “MOST” HALLOWED or SACRED ground in North America! Notice the word “sohn.”  See “R myat sohn” in second line below: (click on the picture below. Then on menu, hit […]

ToneToneJune 17, 20107min2300
Friends continue the discussion. Skipped Friend: BTW, I heard the monk skipped the public hearing. Heard he went sightseeing to New York. Friend: You heard right! So irresponsible for a lead monk. Other multi faith monks and leaders were attending, he won’t! Very stubborn and won’t listen to entreaties, also. No “R nar” or “Htauk […]

ToneToneJune 17, 20109min2740
The discussion continues. Wise afterward Friend: Well, from hindsight, you are always wiser after the event. Lesson: For survival, you may have to consider other important factors ahead. There may be unforeseen contingencies. Culture and Pride That is why we cannot be too infatuated with culture. We cannot base our decision on culture alone. That will […]

ToneToneJune 17, 20105min1590
Friends continue the discussion. Unique Friend: Yes, I heard the model was so beautiful. It’s a smaller version of Singapore Burmese Temple, a unique Burmese cultural piece by a talented architect. Friend: That’s also part of the reason. You have to look at it, from the neighbors’ angle. Not from your own angle. The neighbors didn’t […]