ကို ၿပံဳးMarch 24, 20133min4832
နဂါးဦးနှောက်အတွင်းသို့ ဖောက်ထွင်းဝင်ရောက်ခြင်း (အပိုင်း-၁) အား ပြန်လည်ဖတ်ရှု့ရန် SSPP/SSA အဖွဲ့ တပ်မတော်နှင့် ဝမ်ဟိုင်းဒေသတွင် တိုက်ပွဲများဖြစ်ပွားခဲ့စဉ်အတွင်း ခေါင်းဆောင်ဖြစ်သူ ပန်ဖနှင့် ခေါင်းဆောင်ပိုင်းအများစု ပန်ဆန်းသို့ သွားရောက်တိမ်းရှောင်ခဲ့ရဖူးသည်။ အပြန်အလှန်အကျိုးစီးပွားများ အတွက် ညှိနှိုင်းမှုများဆောင်ရွက်ခဲ့သည်။ ဝမ်ဟိုင်း၏နောက်ပေါက်မှတစ်ဆင့် ပန်ဆန်းသို့ဆက်သွယ်ရေးလမ်းထွင် ထားသည်။ ပန်ဆန်း၏ ရှေ့ကာအဖြစ်နေပေးမည်။ လိုအပ်သည်များထောက်ပံ့ကူညီပါရန် ညှိနှိုင်းသဘောတူထား သည်။ ဝမ်ဟိုင်းဒေသသည် မြန်မာနိုင်ငံအတွင်းပိုင်းသို့ ရောက်ရှိနေခြင်းကြောင့် မြန်မာ့တပ်မတော်၏ အချိန်မရွေး ချေမှုန်းခြင်းခံရနိုင်ကြောင်း သုံးသပ်လျက် “ ဝ ” တပ်ဖွဲ့နှင့် စစ်ရေးမဟာမိတ်ပြုကာ အားကိုးရှာထားခြင်းလည်း ဖြစ်သည်။ SSPP/SSA တပ်ဖွဲ့ဝင်များ လူ၊ လက်နက်တိုးပွားလာမှုကစဉ်းစားစရာဖြစ်သည် KIO/KIA အဖွဲ့   ဝမ်ပေါင်အိပ်မက်ရှည်ကို မက်ဆဲဖြစ်သည်။ ဗိုလ်ချုပ်ဂွမ်မော်က ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ၄ ရက်နေ့၊ ရွှေလီဆွေးနွေးပွဲတွင် ငြိမ်းချမ်းရေးစကားကို […]

KyaemonApril 1, 201110min1890
CIA sends teams to Libya; US considers rebel aid http://news.yahoo.com/video/politics-15749652/24728855 Gadhafi: Leaders of airstrikes should go, not me – Yahoo! News http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110401/ap_on_bi_ge/af_libya TRIPOLI, Libya – Moammar Gadhafi struck a defiant stance Thursday after two high-profile defections from his regime, saying he’s not the one who should go — it’s the Western leaders who have decimated […]

KyaemonApril 1, 201120min1950
  The Frame: Libya’s rebels begin forming a government http://blogs.sacbee.com/photos/2011/03/libyas-rebels-begin-forming-a.html BENGHAZI, Libya (AP) — NATO ships patrolled off Libya’s coast Wednesday as airstrikes, missiles and energized rebels forced Moammar Gadhafi’s tanks to roll back from two key western cities, including one that was the hometown of army officers who tried to overthrow him in 1993. […]

KyaemonMarch 15, 20117min2371
Japan – Vast Devastation http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/03/japan_-_vast_devastation.html The vast devastation wrought by the earthquake and resulting tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, may only be matched by the destroyed lives left in their wake. Few survivors have been found, but families continue to search for their sons, daughters, wives, husbands and friends. Threats of a […]

KyaemonMarch 13, 20115min2762
CLICK THE LINKS FOR THE AWESOME PICTURES. Captured: Japan Earthquake and Tsunami http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/2011/03/11/captured-japan-earthquake-and-tsunami/2816/   For more than two terrifying, seemingly endless minutes Friday, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan shook apart homes and buildings, cracked open highways and unnerved even those who have learned to live with swaying skyscrapers. Then came a devastating […]

KyaemonMarch 11, 20119min1780
  YouTube – Japan tsunami NHK TV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPFdGH-V1J8 Japan struck by magnitude-8.8 quake, tsunami | abc7.com http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=weather/earthquake_center&id=8006989 TOKYO (KABC) — An 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck off the northeastern coast of Japan on Friday followed by a 13-foot tsunami that swept away cars, trucks, houses, ships and buildings.   YouTube – Japan Earthquake followed by Tsunami March […]

KyaemonFebruary 11, 20113min2502
Mubarak Steps Down as President Vice President’s Announcement Sparks Celebrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square http://online.wsj.com/home-page http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703786804576137543866154926.html?mod= President Hosni Mubarak succumbed to the demands of hundreds of thousands of his countrymen Friday and resigned from office, bringing to an end three decades of autocratic rule. The announcement was delivered by Egypt’s vice president, Omar Suleiman, in […]

KyaemonJanuary 27, 201120min2210
Tunisia issues arrest warrant for deposed dictator – Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/tunisia/8284040/Tunisia-issues-arrest-warrant-for-deposed-dictator.html Jan 26, 2011 Tunisia issues arrest warrant for deposed dictator Tunisia issued an international arrest warrant for its deposed dictator over corruption charges yesterday as its embattled interim government sought to shore up its position amid violent protests calling for its resignation. Video: Tunisian police […]

KyaemonJanuary 27, 201121min1940
On War: Seven Years of War in Iraq | Plog — World news photography, Photos — The Denver Post 137 pics http://blogs.denverpost.com/captured/2010/03/20/on-war-seven-years-of-war-in-iraq/1609/ Mar20, 2010 (AP) It was a day like any other day — except that it was the seventh anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. And, for the most part, that was forgotten. […]

KyaemonJanuary 25, 201110min2050
2007 Harbin Ice Festival Photo Gallery by James Reynolds at pbase.com http://www.pbase.com/thepokergod/harbin_ice_festival&view=slideshow The 27th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival in China – Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/picturegalleries/8241351/The-27th-Harbin-International-Ice-and-Snow-Festival-in-China.html 27 pics The 26th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival in China – Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/worldnews/6937159/The-26th-Harbin-International-Ice-and-Snow-Festival-in-China.html 16 pics Harbin international Ice Festival 2011 >> TotallyCoolPix http://totallycoolpix.com/2011/01/harbin-international-ice-festival-2011/

KyaemonJanuary 25, 201117min3555
Images of the Harbin Ice Festival 2009 | iain masterton photography http://iainmasterton.photoshelter.com/gallery-slideshow/G0000mQ5wHmq09AU/?start= The 27th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival http://www.flickr.com/photos/35195954@N05/sets/72157625643181405/show/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/29126003@N08/tags/harbin/show/ Dec 10, 2010 chinafacttours’ Photostream http://www.flickr.com/photos/chinafacttours360/show/ The Wedding Ceremony on Ice The Wedding Ceremony on Ice harbinicefestival2010 tag http://www.flickr.com/photos/gaztruman/tags/harbinicefestival2010/show/ harstrober Jan 2, 10 icefestival tag http://www.flickr.com/photos/29126003@N08/tags/icefestival/show/ Harbin Ice Festival 2010 Through A Block […]

KyaemonJanuary 25, 201115min1760
2008 http://www.flickr.com/photos/trentstrohm/sets/72157603779473464/show/ 2007 http://www.flickr.com/photos/monajc/tags/harbin/show/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/beliamuda/tags/harbin/show/ 2010 Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival http://www.flickr.com/photos/advcity/sets/72157624096009470/show/ harbiniceandsnowsculpturefestival2010 tag http://www.flickr.com/photos/kafeiwu/tags/harbiniceandsnowsculpturefestival2010/show/ Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival 2010 An icy version of the ruins of St. Paul that can be found in Macau. Only this is Harbin. I confess, I hate shooting at -28 degree Celsius ( -18.4 degree Fahrenheit […]