World’s Ugliest Dog: Rescued Chihuahua Wins “World’s Ugliest Dog” Title – KTLA

PareByokeJuly 3, 20107min1930

World’s Ugliest Dog: Rescued Chihuahua Wins “World’s Ugliest Dog” Title – KTLA,0,1569881.story

PETALUMA — A Chihuahua with an oddly curved back and legs and a closed-up left earned the title “World’s Ugliest Dog” at a contest at a fair in Petaluma Friday.

Princess Abby Francis beat a slew of rough-looking candidates for the dubious honor, including Pabst, a teeth-bearing boxer mix who won last year.

Princess Abby’s owner, Kathleen Francis, received a check for $1,000 at the 22nd annual contest held at the Sonoma-Marin Fair.

Boxer-Mix with Under-Bite Crowned ‘World’s Ugliest Dog’ – KTLA,0,6929925.story


PETALUMA — A boxer-mix with a prominent under-bite named Pabst has been crowned the world’s ugliest dog.

The annual World’s Ugliest Dog contest was held Friday at the Sonoma-Marin Fair in Northern California.

Pabst was rescued from a shelter by Miles Egstad, of Citrus Heights. Egstad took home $1,600 in prize money, pet supplies and a modeling contract with House of Dog for Pabst.

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Pabst beat out former champion Rascal, a pedigree Chinese Crested.

Miss Ellie, a blind 15-year-old Chinese Crested Hairless, won the pedigree category.