Bold News အရောငျရငျ့မှတျတမျး စကျတငျဘာ ၂၀၁၉

kaiSeptember 16, 20191min139617

* New York နဲ့ San Francisco မွို့တှမှော ပွသပွီး ရုံပွညျ့အားပေးမှုရခဲ့တဲ့ ” မီ” ရုပျရှငျကား။
* San Francisco နဲ့ Fort Wayne မွို့က ၃၁ကွိမျမွောကျ ရှဈလေးလုံးအမှတျတရအခမျးအနားမြား။
* မွနျမာနိုငျငံရဘေေးနှငျ့သဘာဝဘေးသငျ့ပွညျသူမြားအတှကျ San Francisco, Los Angeles. Fort Wayne မွို့တို့က အလှူရနျပုံငှပှေဲမြား။
* AWCLA’s(LA) ရနျပုံငှစြေေးရောငျးပှဲတောျ။
* U.S. သို့ ခတေ်တကွှရောကျလာသော ဒယျအိုးဆရာတောျ၏တရားပှဲမြား။
* မောငျစှမျးရညျရဲ့ ဗိုလျခြုပျကြောျဇောမိသားစုနှငျ့ကနြောျတို့မိသားစု ဆောငျးပါး။
* တိမျမညျးရဲ့ ဇောျဂြီမှယူနီကုတျသို့ ပညာရပျဆောငျးပါး။
* မောငျမိုးညိုရဲ့ အမရေိကဝငျပေါကျတံခါးတငျးကွပျစပွုနပွေီလော လူဝငျမှုကွီးကွပျရေးဆိုငျရာဆောငျးပါး။
* ဝငျးဗိုလျရဲ့ ဇာတျလမျးတဈပုဒျရှိတဲ့ Hotel California ဂီတဆောငျးပါး။
* မိုးနတျသူဇာသီတာဝငျးနဲ့ အမေးအဖွေ။
* ခငျမောငျအေး(Azusa) ရဲ့ တှေးတစိမျ့စိမျ့ဟာသ။
* လစဉျဖောျပွနကြေ ဆရာမြိုးကြောျမွငျ့ရဲ့အငျ်ဂလိပျစာသငျ်ခနျးစာဆောငျးပါး၊ ကဗြာ၊ ကာတှနျး၊ ကနြျးမာရေးပညာပေးဆောငျးပါးမြား၊ ဗဒေငျ၊ သုတရသစုံလငျစှာ လစဉျထုတျမွနျမာ့ဂဇကျ ၂၀၁၉၊ စကျတငျဘာလထုတျ ထှကျနပေါပွီ။ မွနျမာဆိုငျမြားမှာ အခမဲ့ရယူပါ။


  • kai

    September 16, 2019 at 8:38 pm

    Russia Is Angry That China Stole and Copied Its Jet Fighter Designs

    ,The National Interest•September 12, 2019
    Remember that Russian carrier-based jet that China copied without permission? Those airplanes are crashing, and Russia doesn’t seem too broken up about it.

    Though Russia and China are now friends, even holding joint exercises, Russia’s Sputnik News recently trotted out an article titled “Chinese Navy Short on Carrier-Based Fighters, Only Has Problem-Ridden J-15.”

    The J-15 is an unlicensed copy of Russia’s Su-33 carrier jet, which is a 1980s derivative of the Su-27K land-based fighter. China had acquired a T-10K-3, an Su-33 prototype, from Ukraine and then reverse-engineered it.

  • kai

    September 16, 2019 at 8:43 pm

    Eight years of Trump’s tax returns subpoenaed by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.

    The Manhattan District Attorney’s office has issued a subpoena for eight years of President Donald Trump’s personal and corporate income tax returns, according to a new report.
    The subpoena from DA Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office, was issued last month to Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars.
    Vance’s office was already known to be investigating Trump’s company.

  • kai

    September 16, 2019 at 9:07 pm

    Most adults unaware of link between HPV and oral, penile and anal cancers
    Majority of men don’t know they are at risk of HPV-related cancers, research shows.
    Sept. 16, 2019, 10:33 AM PDT
    By Erika Edwards

    The majority of American adults are unaware that the most common sexually transmitted disease, HPV, or human papillomavirus, can lead to a variety of cancers, according to research released Monday.

    “More than 70 percent don’t know that HPV causes anal, penile and oral cancers,” said Ashish Deshmukh, author of the new study and assistant professor at UTHealth School of Public Health in Houston.

    He called the vast gap in public awareness shocking, and suggested it’s one reason why national HPV vaccination rates are so low.

    For the study, Deshmukh and his colleagues analyzed National Cancer Institute data of 6,261 men and women who were surveyed about their HPV knowledge in 2017 and 2018. Respondents were between the ages of 18 and 101.

  • kai

    September 17, 2019 at 1:26 am

    “စဈပဲဖွဈမလား.. ၊ မဖွဈပဲ.. စဈပွီး(စဈဆေးရငျး…စဈဆေးရငျးပွီး) ကွမလား…”
    … ‌ဆောျဒီသူဌေးနိုငျငံ.. ထရီလီယနျခြီခမြျးသာတာ.. သူတို့ကိုကာကှယျပေးဖို့.. ‌ငှထေုတျပေးရငျ စဈပှဲလုပျမယျလို့ ထရမျ့ကတော့.. ပွောဖူး..
    အစ်စရေးကလညျး.. ‌ခုကာလက.. ရှေး‌ကောကျပှဲရာသီကွီး..။
    ဘယျသူရမလဲမသိသမို့… နိုငျငံခြီစဈကွီးမဆငျနှဲနိုငျ..

    ရနေံတှစြေေးတကျတော့.. အမရေိကားက.. ‌‌မွကွေီးထဲက..ရနေံတှအေကုနျထုတျရောငျး.. ၊ ကမ်ဘာ ရနေံအထုတျဆုံးဘှဲ့ ‌ကောကျဆှဲ..၊ ခြိုငျးနား-အမရေိကားကုနျသှယျစဈကို ‌ပိုထှကျလာတဲ့ငှနေဲ့ဖိ… အနိုငျယူ..။
    ထရမျ့အတှေးမှာ.. ဟုတျလို့တော့.. နတောပါပဲ..။

    ဘာပဲဖွဈဖွဈ.. ‌တိုကျခိုကျမီးရှို့ခံရတာက.. ‌ဆောျျဒီရနေံမွေ..စှမျးအငျထုတျရာ‌နရောကွီး.. ကမ်ဘာ့ရနေံရဲ့ ၅% ထုတျနတောကဩှားသမို့.. ကနြျတဲ့နိုငျငံတှတေော့. ဂှိ..။
    Attack on a major Saudi oil facility originated from Iran, U.S. intelligence indicates
    A congressional source says Democrats familiar with the details don’t dispute Iran carried out the attack — an important signal of bipartisan agreement.
    ept. 16, 2019, 1:46 PM PDT / Updated Sept. 17, 2019, 4:19 AM PDT
    By Courtney Kube, Ken Dilanian and Carol E. Lee
    American intelligence indicates that the attack on a major Saudi oil facility originated from Iran, three people familiar with the intelligence told NBC News — an assessment that is likely to escalate tensions between Washington and Tehran.

    A congressional source says Democrats familiar with the details do not dispute that the attack was carried out by Iran — an important signal of bipartisan agreement amid great uncertainty about claims made by the Trump administration.

    “This attack had a level of sophistication we have not seen before,” the congressional source said. “You will not see Democrats pushing back on the idea that Iran was behind it.”

  • kai

    September 17, 2019 at 1:27 am

    “သမ်မတကွီးထရမျ့ရဲ့ အခှနျဆောငျရှငျးတမျး ၈နှဈစာကို ရုံးတငျပွဖို့.. ဆငျ့ခေါျရ”
    ပွညျ့တနျဆာမလေး စတုနျးမီနဲ့.. ပလေးဘှိုငျးမိုဒယျမ ကို ‌ငှပေေးထားတာပွနျစဈဖို့.. ဘာဘာညာညာ‌တှစေဈဖို့.. ထရမျ့ရဲ့ အခှနျဆောငျရှငျးတမျး ပွီးခဲ့တဲ့ ၈နှဈစာကို ရုံးတငျဖို့.. နယူး‌ယောကျတရားရုံးကနေ.. ဆငျ့ခေါျခံရပါတယျ..။
    ထရမျ့က နယူး‌ယောကျ-မဟာတနျမှာ‌ အမွဲတမျးလိပျစာထား.. နသေူမို့.. သူ့မူလဌာ‌နကေ.. ဆငျ့ခေါျတာပါ..။
    အမရေိကားမှာ အမရေိကနျတိုငျး(တိုငျး) နှဈစဥျ အခှနျငှဆေောငျ..ရှငျးတမျးတငျကွရတာပါ..။
    အဲဒီမှာ နှဈစဥျျလုပျခဲ့သမြှ ‌ငှပေေး‌/ငှယေူတှပေါသမို့.. ပါရသမို့.. အဲဒါစဈရငျ.. ပိုငျဆိုငျမှု.. ‌ငှပေေး/‌ငှယေူအကုနျပေါျပါတယျ..။

    သမ်မတကွီးက.. ဘာ‌ကွော့ငျ့မှနျးမသိ.. သမ်မတဖွဈလြှကျနဲ့.. သူ့ အခှနျရှငျးတမျးကို တရားဝငျမထုတျပွနျပါ..။
    အဲဒီတော့.. သူဘယျလောကျခမြျးသာ.. ဘာအကွှေးရှိ..။ ဘာလဲ.. ဘယျသူမှ တရားဝငျမသိ..။

    ဘယျလိုရှငျးမယျမသိ…။ ‌ပေးဘူး..‌ပေးဘူးကှ.. လုပျခငြျလညျးလုပျဦးမယျထငျ၏..။
    ဒီမိုကရစေီစနဈမှာ.. ‌ရှေး‌ကောကျခံရပွီးသူ/သမ်မတ(အကွီးဆုံးရာထူးရှငျ) ဟာ.. အာဏာရှငျတပိုငျးပဲမဟုတျပါလား..။

  • kai

    September 17, 2019 at 1:36 am

    “Yang တို့.. ရမျးနိုငျမှတောျကာကမြယျခတျေ..”
    အမရေိကနျတယောကျကို တလ ‌ဒေါျလာ ၁၀၀၀/တနှဈ၁၂၀၀ဝ ဘာမှလုပျစရာမလိုထုတျပေးမယျဆိုတဲ့.. UBI စနဈကို ဖနျတီးမယျ့.. မစ်စတာရမျးက.. ‌အရှေနျးဇာတိနှယျပါ..။
    သမ်မတဖွဈရငျ.. သမ်မတအိုဘားမားရဲ့.. လူမညျးပထမသမ်မတလိုပဲ.. ‌အေးရှနျးပထမသမ်မတဖွဈမှာပါ…။
    ဖိုဘီလို သတငျးဌာနကတော့..မစ်စတာရမျးဟာ.. ထရမျ့ကို ဘယျလိုဘိ Beat နိုငျတဲ့..သူပါလို့ဆိုပါတယျ..။

    ဘာမဆိုငျညာမဆိုငျပွောရရငျ.. ၂၀၂ဝ မွနျမာနိုငျငံရှေး‌ကောကျပှဲမှာ.. ပွညျခိုငျဖွိုးပါတီမြား.. မွနျမာတိုငျးကို တလ.. ကပြျ၁သိနျးထုတျပေးတာမြိုး.. နဲ့..မဲဆှယျဖို့ စိတျမဝငျစားဘူးလားမသိ..။
    အကွံလာ‌တောငျးရငျတော့.. ကူညီနိုငျကွောငျး.. 😛
    Sep 16, 2019, 09:30am
    Andrew Yang Knows How To Beat Donald Trump
    Kevin Kruse

    When it comes to the solution we need something simple, unique and ideally visual. For Trump’s story, the big promise is “we’re going to build a wall, and Mexico will pay for it.” In Yang’s story, he offers, “$1,000 a month for every American.” And while the policy wonks will nitpick over how to fund UBI—and Yang can get in the weeds about value-added tax when he needs to—it isn’t about the details. In persuasion, it’s never about the details it’s about the direction. When it comes to UBI, it doesn’t matter if it’s $500 per month or $1,500 per month. It doesn’t matter if taxing Amazon will pay for it or not. What matters is that UBI is a new, simple bold answer that triggers our emotions. Yes, I deserve a dividend, and the robot owners should pay for it.

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 3:05 am

    UN Climate Report: Oceans Also F-cked
    SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 3:23PM ET

    A new report from the IPCC is yet another wake-up call for world leaders to take the climate crisis seriously.
    Climate activists and world leaders have gathered this week in New York for the United Nations Climate Summit. But on Wednesday attention was focused across the Atlantic, where in Monaco the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change presented a special report on the “unprecedented” impact warming temperature will have on the world’s oceans. It’s not good. The report — compiled by over 100 authors from 36 countries citing close to 7,000 accredited sources — paints a grim picture of the effect warming oceans and the cryosphere will have on humanity, especially if nothing is done to curb emissions.

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 3:11 am

    ‘Our house is on fire.’ Global Climate Strike draws out hundreds of thousands of protesters in New York, DC
    Doug Stanglin, Grace Hauck and Janet Wilson, USA TODAYPublished 7:42 a.m. ET Sept. 20, 2019 | Updated 10:27 p.m. ET Sept. 20, 2019
    NEW YORK – A boisterous crowd of at least 200,000 people turned out to chant and march in Manhattan on Friday, joining hundreds of thousands – possibly millions – of protesters from Australia to Thailand to London in Global Climate Strike rallies.

    While supporters of all ages turned out, the day was billed as a walkout by high school students to call on world leaders to step up their efforts against climate change, carbon emissions and other environmental issues.

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 3:18 am

    South Korea Removes Japan From Trade White List as Feud Deepens
    By Sam Kim

    September 17, 2019, 8:00 AM PDT Updated on September 17, 2019, 8:05 PM PDT
    South Korea removed Japan from its list of most trusted trading partners, the latest sign of unraveling ties between two U.S. allies mired in a series of disputes.

    The change means that exports of some strategic goods to Japan will receive greater scrutiny than shipments to 28 other fast-track destinations, South Korea’s trade ministry said early Wednesday in a statement.

    The move comes after Japan last month cut South Korea from a so-called “white list” of nations it deems safe for export of strategic materials. South Korea also plans to terminate a U.S.-endorsed intelligence-sharing pact with Japan and has filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization against its neighbor for imposing tighter export controls on materials key to tech manufacturing.

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 4:01 am

    Water found on a potentially life-friendly alien planet
    A super-Earth about 111 light-years away is “the best candidate for habitability that we know right now,” astronomers say.

    In a first for astronomers studying worlds beyond our solar system, data from the Hubble Space Telescope have revealed water vapor in the atmosphere of an Earth-size planet. Although this exoplanet orbits a star that is smaller than our sun, it falls within what’s known as the star’s habitable zone, the range of orbital distances where it would be warm enough for liquid water to exist on a planet’s surface.

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 4:14 am

    ‘Psychological experiences play a big role’

    Obesity is “not a choice”, states a new report from the British Psychological Society (BPS) that calls for changes in how people regard those who are obese.

    While BPS does not support the classification of obesity as a disease, as the World Health Organisation does, it stresses the importance of avoiding “language and explanations that locate the ‘problem’ of obesity within individuals”.

    The report explains that obesity is more complex than a person’s lack of willpower, as negative stereotypes suggest.

    “Whilst obesity is caused by behaviour, those behaviours do not always involve ‘choice’ or ‘personal responsibility’,” it explains.

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 4:26 am

    Wed Sep 4, 2019 – 4:10 pm EST

    Pope Francis claims climate in state of ‘emergency’, asks world to ‘abandon’ fossil fuels
    Climate Change, Environment, Environmentalism, Global Warming, Pope Francis, World Day Of Prayer For The Care Of Creation

    VATICAN CITY, September 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Pope Francis has called upon the world to give up fossil fuels, claiming that the climate is in a state of “emergency” and that this has been caused by human activity.

    In his Message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, an ecumenical celebration held on September 1, the Argentine pontiff encouraged the world to adopt “simpler lifestyles” and to abandon fossil fuels

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 9:48 am

    Colombia ex-Farc rebel Iván Márquez issues call to arms
    29 August 2019
    A former commander in the Farc rebel group in Colombia, Iván Márquez, has called on his followers to take up arms less than three years after the rebels signed a peace agreement with the government.

    Iván Márquez appeared in a video and announced that a “new phase of the armed struggle” was beginning.

    He was one of the main negotiators of the peace deal in 2016.

    The Colombian government said it was “a very worrying announcement”.
    1964: Set up as armed wing of Communist Party

    2002: At its height, it has an army of 20,000 fighters controlling up to a third of the country

    2008: The Farc suffers a series of defeats in its worst year

    2012: Start of peace talks in Havana

    2016: Peace deal signed in November

    2017: Farc officially ceases to be an armed group

    2019: Former commander Iván Márquez announces “a new phase of the armed struggle”

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 9:57 am

    Trump landed crushing blows to 3 of California’s biggest priorities this week
    Lauren Frias Sep 19, 2019, 10:55 PM
    President Donald Trump spent two days in California this week. He not only raked in $15 million at fundraisers for his reelection campaign, but he took away some political wins.
    The president and Gov. Gavin Newsom, who took the reins this year, fail to meet eye-to-eye on numerous issues — including homelessness, the environment, and a state law that wouldn’t allow candidates on the ballot without publicly releasing their tax returns.
    President Donald Trump spent two days in California this week, and he derailed some of the state’s major priorities.

    Trump has been at odds with California since taking office. The state, much like Texas during the Obama administration, has been a thorn in the federal government’s side. As of May, the state had sued the Trump administration 50 times and had some success.

    Additionally, the president and Gov. Gavin Newsom, who took the reins this year, fail to meet eye-to-eye on several issues — including homelessness, the environment, and a state law that wouldn’t allow candidates on the primary ballot without publicly releasing their tax returns.

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 9:59 am

    ရနျကုနျတိုငျးတှငျ လူဦးရေ ခွောကျသနျးကြောျရှိသညျ့အနကျ တရုတျ ၉၇၀၀ဝ ကြောျနှငျ့ ဘငျ်ဂါလီ ၆၀၀၀ဝ ကြောျ နထေိုငျကွောငျး ရနျကုနျတိုငျး လူမှုရေးဝနျကွီးပွောကွား
    “ရနျကုနျတိုငျးဒသေကွီးအတှငျးမှာ အိမျထောငျစု လူဦးရစောရငျးနဲ့ နထေိုငျကွတဲ့ တိုငျးရငျးသားမြိုးနှယျစုအလိုကျ လူဦးရကေ ဗမာ ၅၂၁၀၉၂၂ ဦး၊ ကရငျ ၂၄၃၇၂၂ ဦး၊ ရခိုငျ ၇၂၃၉၅ ဦးတို့ နထေိုငျပါတယျ” ဟု ဝနျကွီးဦးနိုငျငံလငျးက ပွောကွားသညျ။

    ထို့ပွငျ ကခငြျ ၉၁ဝဝဦး၊ ကယား ၂၂၇၄ ဦး၊ ခငြျး၂၃၆၄၈ ဦး၊ မှနျ ၃၁၇၂၆ ဦး၊ ရှမျး ၃၅၈၂၅ ဦးတို့သညျ ရနျကုနျတိုငျးဒသေကွီးအတှငျး သနျးခေါငျစာရငျးဖွငျ့ နထေိုငျကွောငျး၊ စုစုပေါငျး လူဦးရေ ၅၆၂၉၆၁၂ ဦး နထေိုငျလကြျရှိကွောငျး ဝနျကွီးဦးနိုငျငံလငျးက ပွောကွားသညျ။

    “အခွားမြိုးနှယျစုမြားအနနေဲ့ အိန်ဒိယ ၂၂၇၇၄ဝ ဦး၊ ပါကစ်စတနျ ၁၅၁၃၃ ဦး၊ တရုတျ ၉၇၉၉၄ ဦး၊ မုံးဝနျး ၄၇ရ ဦး၊ ကိုးကနျ့ ၁၈၂၄ ဦး၊ ခိုလုံလီလြှော ၁၄၅ ဦး၊ ဘငျ်ဂလားဒေ့ရျှ ၇၄ဝ ဦး၊ ဘငျ်ဂါလီ ၆၃၅၅၃ ဦး၊ နီပေါ ၂၁၈၂ ဦး၊ အခွား ၄၇၉၁ရ ဦး စုစုပေါငျး ၄၅၇၇၀၅ ဦး နထေိုငျလကြျရှိပါတယျ။ ရနျကုနျတိုငျးဒသေကွီးတဈခုလုံးအနနေဲ့ လူမြိုးအလိုကျ လူဦးရေ ၆၀၈၇၃၁ရ ဦး နထေိုငျလကြျရှိပါတယျ” ဟု ဝနျကွီး ဦးနိုငျငံလငျးက ပွောကွားသညျ။

  • kai

    September 26, 2019 at 10:02 am

    Edward Snowden says the government is in your phone, insists he only wanted to ‘reform’ the NSA
    Snowden in an interview from Russia with Brian Williams talked Trump, stealing classified information from the NSA and how cellphones are killing privacy.
    Sept. 16, 2019, 7:13 PM PDT / Updated Sept. 16, 2019, 8:20 PM PDT
    By Nick Ramsey
    Edward Snowden, the exiled American who stole classified information from the National Security Agency and gave it to the press, thinks cellphones are killing privacy as we know it and President Donald Trump simply wants to be liked.

    Snowden spoke on Monday from Russia with Brian Williams, the host of MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour,” ahead of the release of his new memoir, “Permanent Record.” This is the second time Williams has interviewed Snowden. In 2014, Williams traveled to Moscow to meet with Snowden in person for the former CIA employee’s first interview with an American television network.

    “Permanent Record” reveals new details about Snowden’s decision to leak classified information in 2013 to journalists at The Guardian and The Washington Post about the NSA’s bulk collection of phone and internet metadata from U.S. citizens.

    Snowden defended his actions as he has in previous interviews. He stressed that his goal was not to destroy the NSA, but instead “reform it.”

  • Thint Aye Yeik

    October 17, 2019 at 2:19 am

    မွနျမာ့ဂဇကျ (သတငျးစာ) အမရေိကားမှာ
    ခုခြိနျထိ ခိုငျခိုငျမာမာ
    ရပျတညျနတောကို မွငျတော့
    ပီတိ ဖွဈမိပါရဲ့။

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