Zawgyi9October 17, 20102min2070

My friends gave me a hand poster (see above). It’s was being distributed by a so called Azusa Nat or spirit during Azusa Temple’s Food Fair over 3 1/2  years ago. It was promoting a “Than ki ka” (Sanghika or monks’ ownership) dedication ceremony for the then newly completed Azusa Dhamma Hall.

Note: The Azusa Nat says to show the poster only to trusted people. He doesn’t want to show it to everybody. He says don’t show to those who shouldn’t need to  know.

This  action is discriminatory, distrustful, and manipulative!

Vinaya says monks SHOULD NOT DIVIDE the community nor cause DISHARMONY OR DISCORD among lay people. This poster was organizing some lay people to support monks’ ownership and thereby, to break US laws.

Azusa Temple is a non profit religious charitable organization registered with the California Secretary of State under California laws.

Vinaya also says ALL donations have to be PURELY VOLUNTARY, not COERCED nor INFLUENCED. For a monastery donation, all people from all four directions have to agree and the dedication has to be PROPERLY WITNESSED.