10 die in Indian temple stampede

KyaemonOctober 30, 201015min1810

AFP: 10 die in Indian temple stampede


10 die in Indian temple stampede

(AFP) – 4 hours ago

PATNA, India — At least 10 people died in a stampede at a temple in the eastern Indian state of Bihar where tens of thousands of devotees had gathered for an annual Hindu festival, police said Sunday.

Another 15 people were injured in the stampede, which occurred late Saturday outside a temple in Banka district, some 200 kilometres (125 miles) from Patna, the state capital, senior police officer P.K. Thakur said.

The victims had gathered to witness the traditional sacrifice of goats, Thakur said, adding 40,000 devotees had thronged the temple at the time of the stampede.

Four women were among those killed.

The state government offered compensation to relatives of those killed at the temple, where celebrations were marking Durga Puga, one of the major Hindu festivals.

“The stampede is thought to have been caused by rumours that a portion of the temple had collapsed or that a snake had entered the packed complex,” a state official at the scene who declined to be named told AFP.

Stampedes at public events in India are common as large numbers of people crowd into congested areas. Panic can spread quickly and, with few safety regulations in place, the result is often lethal.

In March, police in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh blamed lax safety for the deaths of 63 people — all of them women and children — in a stampede outside a Hindu temple.

YouTube – Deadly Stampede In India


India stampede kills ten | Video | Reuters.com


10 killed in India during stampede at Hindu festival – Los Angeles Times


10 killed in India during stampede at Hindu festival

As fights break out among worshipers during ritual celebrations in northern India, barricades designed to control the crowds collapse. The deadly melee leaves at least 11 people injured.

October 18, 2010|By Mark Magnier, Los Angeles Times

Reporting from New Delhi — Ritual celebrations and heated tempers proved a deadly combination, police said Sunday, as 10 people were killed in a stampede at a Hindu festival in northern India.

The incident happened late Saturday when between 30,000 and 40,000 people brought their goats to a small private temple in Tildiha, a village in Bihar state, to sacrifice the animals and offer up prayers to the goddess Durga on the last day of a 10-day festival.


Avoiding Stampede:

Buddha said to a woman to not just worship him. Just worshipping him won’t get her to Heaven. He said to study his teachings and put them into practice.

The beauty of Buddhism is that you can practice at home. Just going to a temple, attending ceremonies,  eating a lot of nice food and chatting with friends won’t help.

Mogok Sayadaw even said not to come to the monastery just for kutho or merits. Google his video.

YouTube – Don’t come to the Talk just for Kusala Merit