Fatty greets all of you … from out of myanmar

fattyApril 16, 20112min1555

Now i am out of Myanmar for a moment. And I have no myanmar front. Anyhow I try now to greet you all from Singapore.
And I would actually like to write the articles about sojourn. But this is just for testing and introducing my articles to all of you.
Ha Ha .. what I want to test is .. how different connection between Myanmar and Singapore .
Let me try to uplode some photos now ……..
first .. at the myanmar Airport … And after taking 2 hrs 45 min I arrived in Changi airport. And the building I am staying now.

………… wait .. the taxi in the photo is the expensive one, we cannot afford to hire it. see u later ………………………


  • kai

    April 16, 2011 at 9:04 am

    စင်္ကာပူလည်လည်သွားသွားနေနိုင်တာ နည်းနည်းနောနော.. ကုသိုလ်တော့မဟုတ်ဘူး..။
    နှစ်သစ်မှာ မင်္ဂလာနဲ့ပြည်စုံပါစေဗျာ…။

  • eros

    April 16, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    Uncle Fat, you can download easily Zawgyi font and install in your computer.

  • bigcat

    April 16, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    ငါတို့မြန်မာပြည်က လေယဉ်ပျံကြီးကို သဘာဝအတိုင်း လွတ်လွတ်လပ်လပ်ထားလို့ အကြင်နာတရားနဲ့ ပိုပြည့်စုံတယ်ကွ……

  • fatty

    April 20, 2011 at 4:38 am

    Thank for your comments. As all u know I cannot sit on line because I go around the city.
    to day I shall try to up load more.

  • char too lan

    April 20, 2011 at 1:25 pm

    ဦးဖက် ပြန်လာရင် မုန့်ဝယ်ခဲ့ 🙂

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