”Something I can do to help make a better atmosphere in my Community”.

who whoMay 1, 20114min1590

Hello good morning!!!
How r u this morning?
Today i m going to talk about ”Something I can do to help make a
better atmosphere in my Community”.
As we r human beings,we have to take individual responsibility for
our community.Everything my community
does -and by this I mean from tiny village to town to city up to
entire country -has a ripple effect that changes
other’s lives.We have to get involved and be a part of process to help
make a better atmosphere in my community.
Buddhist divides the life of a person into three parts .From born
to 20 is the first age,from 20 to 60 the second
age and from 60 to death the third age.The elders say a person should
seek education in the first age.It means it
is important to seek education while young.But there are a lot of
people remains uneducated in my community.
Among them ,the most unfortunate people who are in need of education
are the children of leprosy patients.
There are five centres for leprosy patients in our country.They
are Natha Myaing Camp in Madaya Township,
Mayanchaung Welfare Centre in Hlegu Township,the Four Wards of
Taungwaing in Mawlamyine,Myayadana
Camp in Sagaing Division and O talone Ward of Mongywa.
Something I can do to help make a better atmosphere in my
community is ‘education supporting program”
for children of leprosy patients.The principle objective of this
program is to try as possible as I can,to contribute
in aid of education for the children of leprosy patients of leprosy
patients’ camps.

This program was initiated in Myanmar in 1999.Starting from
2001,I have been seeking for other well-wishers
and collecting the education supporting funds and sending these funds
to the education supporting program
implementation committee in yangon.This committee provides the
children of leprosy patients with school entrance
fees,text books ,stationary and school uniforms.
The education supporting program occationally provides the
leprosy patients of the five centres with rice,cash,
medicine and clothes.If someone becomes graduate ,he can be able not
only to support his parents by working
but also to help his community to develop.For that reason,education
supporting program helps the children of leprosy
patients who are doing the matriculation coursre,by providing them
with private tuition ,accommodations for doing
their studies.So all the children of leprosy patients are always
looking forward to the donation of well-wishers.
In conclusion,I would like to inform the well-wishers that I have
looking forward to receiving ur contribution for
the children of leprosy patients in creating the better atmosphere.I
believe the more I can collect ,the more
educated persons will appear and the better atmosphere will become.

That’s all about my topic.
Thanks a lot for reading my essay.
Have a nice day!! BYE FOR ALL.
If u want to donate,pls join .