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Mogok Sayadaw (Venerable Sayadawgyi U Wimala) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mogok Sayadaw U Vimala (Burmese: မိုးကုတျ ဆရာတောျ ဦးဝိမလ; 27 December 1899 – 17 October 1962) was a renowned Theravada Buddhist monk and vipassana meditation master.

Early life

He was born Maung Hla Baw to Daw Shwe Ake and U Aung Tun in a small village close to Amarapura in Mandalay Province, Burma on 27 December 1899. Hla Baw began his education at 4, and enrolled as a samanera (novice monk) at age 9 under Sayadaw (Chief Abbot) U Jagara. He later left for the Mingala Makuna Monastery at Amarapura to continue his religious studies. In 1921, he was ordained as a bhikkhu (monk) in the tradition of Burmese Theravāda Buddhism with the dhamma name of Vimala (Burmese: ဝိမလ).

As his monkhood was sponsored by the residents of Mogok, a town well known for rubies and gems, Ven. Vimala became known as Mogok Sayadaw. In 1924, Ven. Vimala became the Chief Abbot of Pikara Monastery. He began to give sermons focusing on the Abhidhamma (the Ultimate Reality), and to teaching vipassana (insight) meditation.


Mogok vipassana meditation techniques

The Mogok technique, developed and taught by Mogok Sayadaw, elaborates on Buddha’s teachings and emphasizes on the awareness of ‘Arising’ (phyit in Myanmar) and ‘Passing away’ (pyet in Myanmar) of everything, i.e., ( Impermanence or anicca) in body and mind. Sayadaw is known for his exposition of Paticcasamuppada (Dependent Origination), Saṃsāra (endless rounds of rebirth) and the importance of practicing meditationVipassana.

Millions of meditators Yogis world wide pursue Mogok Sayadaw’s Insight Meditation technique.

Excellent scholar and teacher of dhamma

As a lecturer of Buddha’s Dhamma, Sayadaw had taught many monks, novices and lay people.

1. He can elaborate the summarized Dhamma with detailed explanations.

2. He can show others the way to Nibbana as he had experienced.

3. He can give good examples for even the very complex Dhamma.

4. He left behind (Relics) presumably as proof of the Arahantship.

5. Many attest to Sayadaw’s sixth sense and supernatural power (e.g. seeing with divine eyes).

6. He devised an effective way to teach the theory and practice of vipassanā (also called the Insight Meditation ). The technique requires considerable effort to understand if one simply reads Tipitaka.

7. Sayadaw is an expert on the Pali canons known as Tipitaka three baskets: Sutta (discourses), Vinaya (disciplines) and Abhidhamma (ultimate reality). Vinaya is related to the cultiationŚīla (morality). Sutta helps develop Samadhi (concentration). Abhidhamma aids in the understanding and practice of [Vipassana]].

8. Many monks studied under Sayadaw. Several, who wanted to listen to Sayadaw’s lectures, had to sit under the trees near his monastery. Interested lay people attended the night ectures given to monks.

9. It is said that if one has not studied Abhidhamma in Myanmar from the Master, one cannot claim to be an expert in Abhidhamma Piraka.

10. Sayadaw wrote many famous Dhamma books including “Abhidhamma Honeycombs”.

11. Mogok Sayadaw practiced vipassana intensively and became enlightened. He used his knowledge and practice to lead others to the path. Teaching dhamma to others is important, but it is more important to gain first hand viza nana ( enlightenment wisdom). To become an Arahant, one must remove all Aviza . Aviza and Viza are opposites in Pāli and “ A” typically mean “none” or “not”.

12. Sayadaw knew the character and minds of each person and taught the appropriate Vipassana method. There are several different ways to practice meditation beginning with 40 Samahta. Sayadaw chose the method that leverages a person’s disposition. For example, he would urge people with dosa (anger) to practice Citta nupatsana Satipatannaand people who are not bright but determined to practice Vedananupatsana Satipatanna.

Supernatural Power or Sixth Sense of Sayadaw Gyi:

One day, Sayadaw gyi warned to Hinthata U Mya that to succeed Vipassana on time before he die and you are about to die. Hinthata U Mya didn’t believed and to effort seriously for Vipassana and he still believed that will continue living and he replied, “ I am hard to die”. And in that year when the time Sayadawgyi doing walking meditation near Pagoda and said to disciple U Saw Maung that Hinthata U Mya had died. In that time Hinthata U Mya was really dead in Yangon and that far distance from Amarapura City. But amazingly Saydaw Gyi knew that straightaway and even knew for future.

And Sayadaw Gyi continued said to U Saw Maung that, “ Ariyas didn’t give out warning alert without a reason. Be cautious and serious when given an alert,” mean before too late, in Vipassana there are practices  before dying which could succeed better earlier…

Amazing things about Mogok Sayadawgyi

1. Nothing bad smell came out from body, (Note that all Arhats are like that no matter how long) 2. Eyes is absolute clear and look alike alive ones. 3. Face and ears are same as normal alive, no band, no changing color and nothing look like as other dead people but as a person as have a rest in bed for a while. 4. Body and skins are absolutely soft and same as normal alive as flexible 5. Fire was automatically Burn immediately at the last time

6. Body Turned into (Relics) Sarira afterwards

7. Eyes ball remain unchanged as originally, Bone connections are hook connection between

Note that people who died with Vipassana meditation practicing have soft and flexible bodies after dying.