၊မြစ်ဆုံရေကာတာအကြောင်း အမှားနဲ့အမှန် – – Myitsone Myths and Truths – LXXXII

၁၊ဖေ့ဘုက်ပရိသတ်တို့ရဲ့ဖတ်ရှူကြိမ်ပေါင်း အချက်အလက် အခြေပြဇယားကို၎င်း၊

၂၀၁၈ ၊အောက်တိုဘာ ၂၆ ကထောက်ခံမဲ(၊ကြိုက်မဲ)(၄၆၉၀၆၂) ၊ကိုရရှိခဲ့တယ်၊
တချိန်တုန်းက၊မြစ်ဆုံရေကာတာဆက် မလုပ်ဖို့ဆန့်ကျင်တဲ့အပိုင်း၊
၊အကြမ်းဖျဉ်းနှိုင်းရမယ်ဆိုရင်၊၂၀၁၈ ၊အောက်တိုဘာ ၂၆၊မှာကြိုက်မဲကကန့်ကွက်မဲ
ခုတခါ၊၂၀၁၉၊ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ၃၊ကျပြန်တော့ထောက်ခံမဲ(ကြိုက်မဲ)က (၅၃၂,၄၆၆)၊အထိအံ့မခန်း
တိုးတက်လာပြန်လို့(၂.၅၅ဆ)၂ဆခွဲကျော်၊ဖြစ်လာတယ်၊ဦးရေတိုးရုံမက ၊အဆရဲ့”၊တမတ်”၊နှုန်းကို
၂၀၁၉၊ဖေဖော်ဝါရီလ ၅ ၊မှာဆိုရင်၊ကြိုက်မဲ(၅၃၃,၇၂၄)အထိတက်မြဲတက်နေပါတယ်၊


၊ဖေဖော်ဝါရီ ၅ ၊မှာဆိုရင် ၁၄,၀၃၆,၇၄၇၊
၊ဖေဖော်ဝါရီ ရ ၊မှာဆိုရင် ၁၄,၀၈၇,၉၀၉၊



လူတဦးကတခါတင်ရင် ၊တပုံနှစ်ပုံအစား၅ပုံ၁ဝပုံလိုက်တင်တယ်၊
၊ကြိုက်မဲထက်၊ကန့်ကွက်မဲတွေကနဲနေတာကို မသမာနည်းနဲ့

၊ရှေ့ဆောင်းပါး# ၈၁ ကိုညွှန်းပါရန်

၊၊စင်ကာပူ ၊Channelချန်နယ်သတင်းမှသတင်းထောက် Anthony ၊အန်တိုနီက
၊ပိုးလမ်း မ ၊ကြီးအကြောင်းကိုသတင်းလိုက်ယူဖို့အတွက်၊
Anthony ၊အန်တိုနီကယိုးဒယားမှာကြီးခဲ့ပေမဲ့၊သူ့မိဘတွေကမြန်မာနွယ်ဖွား၊

အလားတူစွာ၊မြစ်ဆုံမှာလဲ ကချင်ဒေသခံအတွက်စီမံစောင့်ရှောက်ပေးဖို့အထူးလိုအပ်ပါတယ်၊
၊ ၊သူ့အကျိုးဆောင်ရင်း၊ကိုယ့်အကျိုးလဲအောင်မှာပါ။
၊ညှိနှိုင်းနိုင်ရန်.၊ယူအင်၊တရုပ်နိုင်ငံအပိုင်:၊ဝိုင်းဝန်း ၊ကူညီနိုင်ဖို့စဉ်းစားပေးသင့်ပါတယ်၊



ဝန်ထုပ်ဝန်ပိုး အလေးအပင်းအဆေပါင်းများစွာကိုခံနိုင်ရည်ရှိတယ်၊


၊ဒီနည်းစံနစ်ဟာ တရုပ်နိုင်ငံကတီထွင်လိုက်တဲ့တံတားဆောက်လုပ်ရေးနည်းသစ်ဖြစ်ကာ

၊ဒီလိုနဲ့ချမ်းသာလာတာကကိုယ်တွေ့ဖြစ်လို့လဲ၊ဦးမြင့်ဆွေကပိုးလမ်းမကြီးကိုလှိုက်လဲစွာ ၊ကြိုဆိုတယ်၊




။ပတ်ဝန်းကျင်သဘာဝကသာယာမြဲသာယာလှပါတယ် ၊ရေတွေမကောပါ




၊ICOLD ၊ကမ႓ာ့၊ရေကာတာအသင်းကြီးရဲ့၂၀၁၁ထုတ်
၊လိုက်နာလုပ်ဆောင်နေတာကိုတောင် NGO/CSO ၊တွေက
၊ကိုကိုယ်ကဘဲ ၊ကိုယ်တိုင်ကိုယ်ကျကြွရောက်စီစစ်ဖို့မလိုဘူးလား?
၊ ၊သေဒဏ်ပေးတာလား၊ကယ်တင်တာလား?
၊လူတွေကိုသေဒဏ်Death Sentence
၊ President George Bush Jr ၊အငယ်က.Kyoto Protocol ၊မှထွက်ခဲ့တယ်၊.President Trump ၊
ကလဲ.Paris Agreement ၊မှထွက်ခဲ့တာကိုဒီအင်ဂျီအိုတွေကနှုတ်ဆိတ်နေတယ်၊
NGO/CSO ၊ကဘာဘဲအော်အော်၊ IFC ၊ကဘာဘဲအကြံပေးပေး၊
၊ Oregon ၊နဲ့Yale ၊စာတမ်းအကြောင်းကိုဆောင်းပါး#၅ရနဲ့#၇၂မှာပါတယ်၊
၊ ၊ကျွမ်းကျင်သူရေကာတာစွမ်းအားဌာနကမစ္စတာဂျိုစီကရေကာတာကွန်ဖရန့်ကိုတက်ခဲ့တယ်၊
၊မြစ်ဆုံရေကာတာအကြောင်း အမှားနဲ့အမှန် – – Myitsone Myths and Truths – LVII
၊. ၊အမေရိကန် Oregon ၊တက္ကသိုလ်သုတေတီတို့ကအကြီးရေကာတာကပိုကောင်းတယ်၊
၊. ၊လျှပ်စစ်အတွက်သဘာဝဝန်းကျင်အတွက်ပိုသန့်ရှင်းစေတယ်၊အညစ်အကြေးပို
၊ဆောင်းပါး# ၅ရကိုညွှန်းပါရန်

A recent study suggests that small dams may have a greater impact on rivers than large dams, as they divert more water away from rivers, according to a press release from the American Geophysical Union.
Researchers from Oregon State University studied China’s Nu River, which is home to a variety of dams in the river main stem and its tributaries. In total, 31 small dams were evaluated and compared to four large dams in the main river stem.
The research team compared dam impacts to habitat loss, river channel lengths, land affected and landslide risks among 14 total factors. They found small dams had a greater negative impact in nine out of 14 categories.
Small dams, used to divert water to hydropower stations, had some of the most profound impacts on rivers. Many diminished water supplies downstream.
Image: A small hydropower plant in Fugong County discharges water from a tributary into the main channel of the Nu River. (Credit: Kelly Kibler)

Oregon University
အပြင် Yale University ၊တက္ကသိုလ်သုတေတီတွေကလဲဒီတိုင်းဆိုပါတယ်၊ဆောင်းပါး#၇၂ကိုညွန်း၊
(၊မြစ်ဆုံရေကာတာအစား၊ရေကာတာအသေးစားတွေနဲ့အစားထိုးတာမျိုးမလုပ်မိဘို့ပါ) သူများရဲ့အမှားကကိုယ့်အတွက်တန်ဘိုးမဖြတ်နိုင်တဲ့သင်္ခဏ်းစာ
၊နံမယ်ကြီးYale ၊တက္ကသိုလ်ရဲ့ပညာပေးစာဆောင်မှကောက်နုတ်သည်၊
As Small Hydropower Expands, So Does Caution on Its Impacts
Small hydropower projects have the potential to bring electricity to millions of people now living off the grid. But experts warn that planners must carefully consider the cumulative effects of constructing too many small dams in a single watershed.
By Dave Levitan • August 4, 2014
၂၅MW အောက်အသေးတွေတော်တော်ပါတယ်၊အကြီးတွေဘာမှမဖြစ်ပါ၊

high risk၊ဆိုတာဘာကိုပြောတာလဲ?အတိုင်းအတာအချက်အလက်
၊အတွက်အချက်၊မပါ ၊ပါ၊မတွေ့ပါ၊
၊သောင်ရှင်းသင်္ဘောလို. ၊ရေစုတ်စက်နဲ့စုတ်ပြစ်လို့ရတယ်၊

အမေရိကားမှာမှိုလိုပေါက်ရေကာတာကျတော့.High Risk ၊ဟိုင်ရစ်လို့ဘာလို့သွားမပြောလဲ?
၊ဥပမာ ၊မီးသွေးနဲ့ဆိုရင်မီးခိုးတွေအငွေ့တွေကပတ်ဝန်းကျင်ကိုညစ်ညမ်းစေတယ်၊
၊ဘုရားပေးတဲ့”၊ရွှေဖြူ္ပ”(၊ရေအား) အမွေအနစ်ကိုတန်ဘိုးမထားစွန့်ပယ်(သို့)၊လျော့ချရအောင်
၊.Biodiversity ၊မှာအနည်းငယ်ထိခိုက်တာကိုထိန်းကျောင်းဖို့နည်းလမ်းကောင်းတွေ၊မျှပေး၊ဝိုင်းရှာပေးမဲ့အစား

s. The 6000MW dam, backed by State Power Investment Corporation (SPIC, then known as China Power Investment Corporation), was supposed to send 90pc
The report proposes cascade development — multiple dams on certain rivers, allowing other rivers to be left intact. It also makes clear recommendations that dams on mainstem rivers such as the Ayeyarwady – where Myitsone is located – and Thanlwin are high risk for Myanmar through their impacts on the ecosystems on which the populations ???????downstream depend.
Hence, Myitsone, Mongton and the other dams should be avoided because of their negative downstream impacts, and development of new hydropower should focus on other opportunities and prioritise those in river sub-basins with lower environmental values.?????
The assessment found that the Myitsone dam is “not considered to be consistent with sustainable hydropower principles.” It said the hydropower project would lead to severe impact on the river system processes. ????
The dam would disconnect and regulate flows from 11.6pc of the Ayeyarwady basin area that contributes an estimated 42pc of the total basin discharge, flowing from the Mali Hka (27pc) and N’mai Hka (15pc) rivers, and would substantially reduce basin sediment load.????? 17 us u’s
The report warned that proceeding with five large planned dams on mainstems, including the Ayeyarwady, Chindwin and Thanlwin, Mekong and the lower Sittaung, ranging between 1200 MW and 7000 MW, would “completely alter the river system’s hydrologic, sediment transport, and geomorphic functioning. The cumulative impacts of these projects would cut river connectivity, alter the flow regime and trap sediment at a basin scale, and affect regional coastal and marine ecosystems.” see above???
“It is recommended that all larger scale and higher impact projects are not developed in High zone subbasins [where Myitsone is located], but smaller scale, lower impact projects are considered where these projects can be developed within watersheds without unduly degrading key natural resources and socio-economic value. Such projects can play a prominent role in supplying reliable and affordable off-grid and grid-connected renewable energy to communities, utilising local natural resources,” the SEA concluded.
restarting the construction and warned that suspension would “drive down investor confidence”. any takers ???e.g. Nepal
Myitsone ………. was supposed to send 90pc ????????of its electricity to China’s Yunnan Province.
U Win Myo Thu from Ecodev emphasised the key question, “Does Myanmar has alternative hydropower resources other than the most criticised ones like Myitsone or Thanlwin?” The answer, he said, is a clear yes.
Just by tapping into hydropower from low and medium risk zones alone, as defined by the SEA, would result in more than 12,000 MW produced. “Since our electricity demand by 2030 would be around 15-18,000MW, at the average GDP growth of 8pc p.a, the amount of electricity generation from that low/ medium risk zones are pretty sufficient, combining with other energy mix such as solar and gas,” he explained.
“As long as we get electricity from the areas where the social and environmental adverse impacts are minimal or manageable, why do we need to bother about building big, controversial dams?” U Win Myo Thu said, arguing that ecological loss alone by the dam would far exceed US$800 million – the amount Chinese investors are seeking for compensation in relation to the termination. ……..see article # 64
Positive agenda for hydropower
F developing sufficient hydropower for the country’s energy demand in the least harmful way. ……
“ Myanmar’s hydropower potential is a major asset for the country which should be developed, particularly as alternatives such as coal-fired power stations will be environmentally harmful, gas is currently insufficient, and solar and wind, while offering some opportunities, are insufficient,” she observed. ……..
Oregon University
…..develop Myanmar’s hydropower future in a sustainable way, consistent with the Myanmar Sustainable Development Plan.
“China, as a major foreign investor in Myanmar, could support the government in building this trust by simply giving up pushing for a restart of the Myitsone project. As compensation it should be given priority in getting contracts to build some of the smaller dams that the SEA recommends as a sustainable way of generating hydropower,” he said……………..who cares? Western investor cares??? Wishful thinking!!
Smooth talk, No substance!!!
By doing so, Beijing would help itself to attain status as an investor that is welcomed by the public in Myanmar.
“As long as we get electricity from the areas where the social and environmental adverse impacts are minimal or manageable, why do we need to bother about building big, controversial dams?” U Win Myo Thu said, arguing that ecological loss alone by the dam would far exceed US$800 million – the amount Chinese investors are seeking for compensation in relation to the termination.
ဦးဝင်းမျိုးသူကိုအသေးစိတ်ချေပပြီးပါပြီ၊အောက်ပါဆောင်းပါး# ၆၄ကိုကြည့်ပါရန်
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZNMx0-g-ucChina’s Farmers Take to the Sky
Published on Apr 7, 2017
On southern China’s Hainan Island, agricultural drones are used to spray pesticides over crops. The Chinese government has encouraged farmers to move from manual labor to automated farming. (video by Vicky Feng, Robin Fall)
What drives China’s innovation?
New China TV
Published on Aug 24, 2018
From Quantum-enabled satellite “Micius” to spacecraft “Shenzhou,” from high-speed rail to the world’s largest radio telescope FAST…
China is emerging as a science and technology powerhouse. How did China come this far when just a few decades ago the nation was barely featured in the world science rankings? Find out in this mini-documentary –China+: China innovates. #ChinaPlus
The Rise of China
Published on Sep 11, 2017
The Rise of China Mini-Documentary | Episode 1 | China’s Economic Miracle
Two centuries ago, Napoleon warned, “Let China sleep: when she wakes, she will shake the world.”
The rise of China will undoubtedly be one of the great dramas of the twenty-first century. China’s extraordinary economic growth and active diplomacy are already transforming East Asia, and future decades will see even greater increases in Chinese power and influence.
In this episode we will look only at the sheer size of China today. We will then look at it’s threats, challenges and confrontations with America in future episodes.
၊ဂိုဘီသဲကန္တ္တာရကဝါးမြိုသွားခဲ့တဲ့မြေတွေကိုပြန်လဲရယူဖို့ကြိုးစားနေ on Oct 1, 2015
Subscribe 523K
The oases of Xinjiang in northwest China are as precious as they are rare, in a landscape dominated by lifeless deserts and mountains. But dwindling water supplies due to growing population and urbanization have put them under threat. Now, many parts of Xinjiang are taking steps to reclaim the land from the desert. Han Peng travels to Altay and sends this report.
၊”၊စိုင်းဟန်ဘ” အရပ်မှာလူတွေက ၊ဖန်တီးတဲ့ကမ႓ာ့အကြီးဆုံးသစ်တော
Published on Apr 11, 2013
Subscribe 123
Rechsand (仁创科技集团), a Chinese company, has developed some technologies that turn sand into industrial and agricultural use, with significant benefits for combating desertification. The video was shown at a side event during the 2nd Scientific Conference of UNCCD in Bonn on 11 April 2013. Copyright of the video belongs to Rechsand. Company URL: http://www.rechsand.com/english/
Published on Apr 1, 2016
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Deserts account for more than 12 percent of China’s land base and aren’t known for being the best spots to grow crops. But Teng Fei and his company decided to take a chance anyway and try to turn some of Inner Mongolia’s arid acreage into productive rice paddies.
၊ဂိုဘီ၊သဲကန္တ္တာရက “၊ဝါးမြို” ၊သွားခဲ့တဲ့မြေတွေကိုပြန်လဲရယူဖို့ကြိုးစားနေ
China transforms it’s second biggest desert into a fertile oasis
75,285 view
AP Archive
Published on Jul 21, 2015