Lovely beach and missing moonlit night !

mandalarthuAugust 6, 20111min3025













I have seen this photo from  somewhere  of I first see it at once ,some ideas appear in my mind.

First ,this scenery can draw my attention for a few minutes .It gives me pleasant feeling and I wanna to sit and see the moon shining

until it sets.Some ideas of missing come into my mind.Something pleasant feeling it is!

I share this to all so that you would  feel the quiet hour of moonlit night and the  beauty of beach at  night .

Feel relax.

Loose yr tenseness and

Calm yourself by seeing this photo.I wish so…..,and  …, share yr ideas of seeing this photo.



  • pyinlepyaw

    August 6, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    nice view
    thanks a lot
    i like this.

  • nature

    August 6, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    ပုံလေးကို ကြည့်ရတာအေးချမ်းလိုက်တာ။

  • True Answer

    August 7, 2011 at 10:25 am

    thanks for sharing the photo.

    Sometimes one photo can tell more meaning than the words.

    Eye consciousness can make our feeling change…………….

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