၊မြစ်ဆုံရေကာတာအကြောင်း အမှားနဲ့အမှန် – – Myitsone Myths and Truths – LVI

KyaemonAugust 6, 201727min6572








လဲထူထောင်လာပုံကိုကြုံရင်းတင်ပြခဲ့တယ်၊ဦးထွန်းလွင်ရဲ့Egypt Nileအီဂျစ်ကနိုင်မြစ်ရေကာတာလွဲမှားချက်ကိုရှင်းလင်းပြီးရင်နန်ဂျင်းဖွံ့ဖြိုးတိုး 






(၎င်းဖြစ်ရပ်မှန်အထင်အရှားကိုမျက်ကွယ်ပြုကြသူတို့ရဲ့စကားကိုယုံရင်တိုင်းပြည်ကတိုးတက်မှာ မ ဟုတ်ပါ






သောက်သုံးရေလဲ မ ရမှာဖြစ်ကြောင်း၊ဟောခဲ့ပါတယ်၊(အထက်ပါပုံ)




High Aswan Dam၊ရေကာတာရဲ့အကျိုးကျေးဇူးအကြောင်းဆောင်းပါးကိုရေအားသံယံဇာတဝန်ကြီး နဲ့ဝန်ကြီးဌာန


ဆောင်းပါးLinkလင့် အပြင်၊ကောက်နုက်ချက်လဲတင်ထားတယ်၊အခြားအလားတူဆောင်းပါးလဲရှိတယ်၊








Annotated Bibliography

Abu-Zeid, M. A., and F. Z. El-Shibini. “Egypt’s High Aswan Dam.” International Journal of Water Resources Development 13.2 (1997): 209-218. 2 Mar. 2006 <http://www.lib.ncsu.edu:2053/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&an=7620462>.

Abu-Zeid, M. A., & El-Shibini, F. Z. (1997). Egypt’s high Aswan dam. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 13(2), 209-218. Retrieved March 2, 2006, from HYPERLINK “http://www.lib.ncsu.edu:2053/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&an=7620462” http://www.lib.ncsu.edu:2053/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&an=7620462

This article was written for a scholarly journal by two experts in the field of water resource development: an advisor (El-Shibini) to the National Water Research Center, an organization within Egypt’s Ministry of Public Works for Water Resources, of which the other (Abu-Zeid) is Minister. Rigorous and in depth, it details the benefits of the Aswan High Dam, providing technical data on social and economic impacts, including water security and availability, land reclamation, conversion of irrigation, increases in crop yield, hydropower output, and improvements in navigation and tourism. Biased towards the dam’s success, it briefly reports the results of favorable studies meant to answer some of the dam’s initial criticisms, such as silt and sediment trapping, degradation and erosion, water quality, and waterborne diseases. Although technical in detail, the language is not difficult. The article provides a useful selection of facts and figures collected 25 years after completion of the dam.












Fum Ismailiya Canal Shoubra El-Khima, Box 74, Cairo, Egypt

ABSTRACT History tells us that Egypt’s fertile land is the gift of the Nile. However,for the ® rst time in history, full control of the Nile water was achieved in 1970 after the construction of the High Aswan Dam (HAD). The HAD is a multipurpose project for sustainable irrigation development,hydropower,navigation improvementetc. Different schools of thought appeared before and after the HAD projectÐ optimistic,pessimistic and neutral. However, the anticipated bene® ts and side-effects have provided clear and obvious facts in response to the different ideas after more than 25 years of operation. The HAD saved Egypt twice during the project’s life (a) from a dangerous ̄ flood series which occurred in the late 1970s,and (b) from severe droughtsin the mid-1980s.As with other large projects, some side-effects have occurred, as anticipated, but the bene® ts far exceed these side-effects. There is no doubt that the HAD is the cornerstone for Egypt’s sustainable agricultural plans and many other developments.In this paper documented facts are given relevant to HAD water allocations for the sake of the welfare of Egypt’s future generations. These will include the realized true bene® ts and side-effects of the HAD.



lthough the decision taken was based on studies carried out by worldwide experts, in all ® elds and issues related to dam engineering, river and water management, social, economic and environmental aspects, there had been hot debates and controversies about the project from the outset.

0790-0627/97/020209± 09 $7.00 Ó 1997 Carfax Publishing Ltd

210 M. A. Abu-Zeid & F. Z. El-Shibini

Luckily the Egyptian leadership and decision makers, supported by solid justi® cation for the vitality and importance of the project for the welfare of the Egyptian people, decided to go ahead in constructing the project. Taking the achievements and impacts of the High Aswan Dam (HAD) over more than 30 years, it was proved that HAD had been the cornerstone in Egypt’s economic and social development and that criticisms and opposition to the project were groundless, and most of the con ̄ icts were inspired by political, ideological and emotional disputes, and unbalanced or lack of objectivity and knowledge.



ICOLD၊နိုင်ငံတကာရေကာတာအသင်းကြီးက၊ရေကာတာကိုစီစစ်ထောက်ခံခဲ့တယ်၊ Excellentအလွန်ကောင်းဆိုပြီးလုံးဝထောက်ခံမှတ်ချက်ပြုခဲ့တယ်၊


These ® ndings were evident in the outcome of the Executive Meeting of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), held in Cairo 1993, where the environmental, social and economic aspects of the HAD were thoroughly discussed by worldwide experts, who gave support to the HAD as a vital achievement in a documented report and certi® cate of excellency.


The main aims of the construction of the High Aswan Dam can be summa- rized as follows:


 Nile ၊နိုင်မြစ်ကိုအပြည့်အဝထိန်းမယ်

full control of the Nile ̄ ow at Aswan in the far south of Egypt;



regulation of the discharge downstream of the dam to match the actual water needs for different requirements;




protection of the Nile Valley and Delta from high ̄ floods and drought hazards that could persist for several consecutive years;



generation of cheap and clean hydroelectric power;



realization of horizontal land expansion by reclaiming new lands;



change in the system of basin irrigation (one crop per year), to perennial irrigation (two or more crops per year);




expansion in rice and sugar-cane cultivation to limit imports;



improvement of navigation through the Nile and navigable canals; and realization of great ̄ exibility in agricultural planning, crop patterns and intensi® ed agriculture.



Increase in Irrigated Land Yield

The controlling of the River Nile ̄ ow by the HAD has secured a steady and continuous ̄ ow of water in adequate quantities that reaches all the arable land at the right time, particularly in summer when the natural ̄ ow of the Nile is much less than irrigation requirements.

This availability of water has secured ̄ exibility of agricultural planning, crop patterns and crop rotation. As a result, the cropping area has risen to about 14.0 million acres compared with about 9.3 million acres in 1952. The yield production per feddan (acre) has increased tremendously since construction of the HAD.

Egypt’s High Aswan Dam 211

212 M. A. Abu-Zeid & F. Z. El-Shibini Increase in Rice and Sugar-cane Areas


High Aswan Dam  ၊ရေကာတာဆည်လုပ်စဉ်ကဆန်စပါးစိုက်ခင်းကိုဧက ၂သိန်းမှဧက ရသိန်းထိတိုးဘို့ရည်မှန်းသော်လည်း၊ဒီရည်မှန်းချက်ကိုတောင်ကျော်ခဲ့ပြီးဆန်စပါးတန်ချိန်၄သန်းကိုထုတ်လုပ်နိုင်ခဲ့တယ်၊

To satisfy crop requirements for local consumption, and the limitation of imports, it was possible to increase the areas cultivated with rice and sugar-cane. With regard to rice, it was estimated during the planning phase of the HAD to increase the area from 200 000 acres to 700 000 acres. In fact, this acreage has been surpassed with production of about 4 million tons of rice.


၊ကြံစိုက်ခင်းတွတ်ကဧက ၉၂၀၀ဝ မှဧက ၂၇၅၀၀ဝ ထိတိုးလာပြီဧက ၇၀၀၀၀ဝ အထိမှာကန့်သတ်ရတော့မှာ



Land under sugar-cane production has also increased from 92 000 acres in 1952 to 275 000 acres. The sugar factories in Upper Egypt are now working at full capacity and have been newly extended. There is now a trend to expand sugar beet to replace sugar-cane gradually to save water consumption, and also to limit the area of rice to 700 000 acres.



Chapter 17
Impacts of the High Aswan Dam

Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada

Thus, our focus has been to assess appropriate impacts, especially environmental and social, about which there has been considerable global controversy ever since the construc- tion of the dam was initiated.

The importance of the dam to Egypt’s economic survival was clearly demonstrated, at least qualitatively, during the 1980s. It is not too difficult to hypothesise what would have happened to the Egyptian economy and socio-political conditions if the dam had not been there to protect the country from, first, the potentially catastrophic impacts of a prolonged drought from 1979 to 1986, and immediately thereafter the abnormally high summer flood of 1988, which had devastating effects on Egypt’s upstream neigh- bour on the Nile Basin, Sudan. Even with the Aswan High Dam in place, Egypt had come perilously close to experiencing the catastrophic impacts of the drought by early 1988, due to a dangerously low water level in Lake Nasser.







ဘီလူးစိတ်ဝင်ဖက်စစ်ဂျပန်စစ်သားက ခလေးကိုအပေါ်ပြစ်ပြီး










The photos have proved that the Japanese forces bombed Nanjing city starting from mid-August in 1937, months before the massacre in Dec 13.

Bombing of Nanjing
15 Aug 1937-31 Dec 1937



၁၉၃ရ ဩဂုတ်လကုန်ခါနီးအပိုင်းကစ ၁၉၃ရ ဒီဇင်ဘာလလယ်ထိ




စက်တင်ဘာ ၂၅ ရက်မှာ ၉၅ ကြိမ်ကြဲပြီး ဗုံးလုံးရေ ၅၀ဝ ကြဲချ ကာအရပ်သား ၇၀ဝ သေးဆုံးခဲ့တယ်၊




ww2dbaseBombing of Nanjing, the capital of China, began in late Aug 1937. On 21 Sep, the Japanese Army Air Service under Prince Naruhiko ordered a renewed aerial campaign against the city. The residential districts in southern Nanjing suffered heavy damage in late Sep, with the greatest loss on 25 Sep when Japanese bombers made 95 sorties between 0930 and 1630 hours, dropping 500 bombs and causing 600 civilian casualties. During this aerial campaign, power plants, water works, the radio station, and the Central Hospital were also targeted. Air raids on Nanjing began to cease as the Battle of Nanjing began in Dec 1937.–





၊ခုဆိုရင် နန်ဂျင်းကခေတ်မှီတဲ့စက်မှုထွန်းကားရာမြို့ကြီးဖြစ်လာပြီ၊

History Channel

…..Once one of China’s most prosperous cities and industrial centers, Nanking took decades to recover from the devastation it experienced. Abandoned as the national capital in 1949 for Beijing, it grew into a modern industrial city during the communist period and today is home to many of China’s largest state-owned firms.


(၊ပုံတွေကိုClick ကလစ်လုပ်ရင်ပုံကြီးမြင်နိုင်တယ်)








ကမ႓ာမှာဒုတိယအမြင့်ဆုံးအဆောက်အဦးZifeng Tower




















အားကျစရာ၊ရေအားလျှပ်စစ်က ဖယောင်းတိုင်မီးထက်ကုန်ကျစားရိတ်သက်သာပြီးမီးလောင်ကျွမ်းမှုအန္တရာယ်လဲသက်သာ၊










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